Chapter 15-Beauty is Pain

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After I practically ran away from Ares, I spent the rest of the day being groomed and fussed over as if I were a child. Grandmother immediately put a clean shift over my head, before telling my brother to heat the hair iron over the hot coals. Then she dried off my hair, and proceeded for the next hour to tame my wild locks. A seemingly endless amount of agony for my head, as she yanked the brush and comb through my scalp.

After that came the iron, forcing me to stay ramrod straight as she took the heated flat tongs to my hair. This took longer, as the tongs would cool and need to be heated again. All the while, I stood perched on the stool while Lucas carried on with his evening chores. We watch each other with unwavering gazes, for we both know well to not speak as Grandmother bends to her task.

At last, as the sun begins to set. Mother arrives with my finished dress, and a pair of sturdy sandals. Her eyes widen when she sees me. My hair is now tamed and curled just so, eyebrows plucked, skin scrubbed, and my nails clipped evenly. Even my feet are now spotless, and my nail beds free of dirt. The only thing Grandmother could not fix, is the collection of calluses that I've acquired thanks to all the work I've been doing, and the scars on my shoulders of course.

She smiles, a kind smile. So unlike the one Grandmother has on her face. Hers is triumphant, joyous even as she takes the dress from my mother's hands and helps me into it. Lucas quickly heads outside, content to carve with his knife and a block of wood. Rather than see his sister be prepared like a sacrificial offering.

Once the dress was on, Mother handed me a pair of cotton undershorts to put on. For the dancing that I would do, would require a covering. Unless I wished to scandalize myself in front of the whole pod. I put them on swiftly, as they both carried over our tall looking glass from beneath the stairs. Placing it in front of me, Mother hurried to get my jewelry. While Grandmother brought over the pots of lash darkener and lip color.

Now I gaze into the mirror while they hurry around the hut. I admire the stitching of the heart cut bodice, and the amber beads embroidered on it. The skirt is a mess of layered strips, of brown, copper, and dark gold silk. Thin straps over my shoulders keep it in place, for it was loose and flowing all the way down to my knees. Except, at my waist and hips it clings to me like a second skin.

One by one, Mother slips amber bead bracelets on my wrists. Ones that match my necklace, including a single band of small amber stones that she places on my brow. Swiftly tying the ends under my hair to secure it. Grandmother steps in after she's done, calmly dabbing red lip color on my mouth and outlining my eyes with a thin brush. Once she's done, I can hardly recognize myself in the mirror.

All too soon, they usher me out the door and onto the path towards the village square. The setting sun can be barley seen through the trees, though thanks to the many lighted torches we can still see the way to the now boisterous village center. I lag behind my family, Lucas having taken the lead so he can escape to have fun with his friends.

With wary eyes, I take in the gathered crowd as we get closer to the beating drums, laughing voices, and the delicious smell of cooking food. Members of the pod gather round a great bonfire set in the middle of the square. The ring of stones piled with wood, and filled with the roaring of red and gold flames.

Children scurry and chase each other, as their parents and older siblings mingle. The young males in pants of leather to match their vests, while most of their counterparts are in dresses shorter, tighter, and even more transparent than mine. All except for the two girls hurrying over to me.

My family skirts round the girls as they run past. Soon I'm being squeezed by Adila's strong ebony dark arms, while Octavia stands to the side patiently waiting for her turn. Slowly but surely, Adila releases me and Octavia pulls me into a gentle but firm hug.

I smile, happy at last as I take in my friends. Adila stands strong and proud in pants of green silk, and a blouse of gold with sleeves that billow at her wrists. Her black coiled hair, fans out around her head like an elegant cloud. While a band of pearls wrings her neck, to match the white fish bone rings on her fingers.

Octavia is wrapped in a dress of thin layers of blue and purple silk. The material wrapped tight around her chest, and left to flare down to her knees. Bracelets of white shells wring her wrists, while a pair of pearl earrings twinkle against her earlobes. Her pale skin seems to glow, as does her moon white hair and blue eyes.

Like me they wear sandals that tie up to the knees, and they are just as miserable as me. I open my mouth to say something, but I find myself struck dumb when my eyes latch onto a distant figure by the fire.

Ares stands with his hands behind his back, his chest bare to show the image of a shark over his heart, that until now was hidden by his vest. A series of woven bands of stones and shells, wrap around his left arm. While a belt of leather, holds up his pants that seem to be molded to his body. Heat flares in my cheeks when I accidentally look at his muscular thighs, and another place as well.

Instantly, I feel the skin crawling feeling of someone watching me. Peering up, I prepare myself for the owner of that gaze. Green eyes framed by wild black locks, latch onto me and light up in challenge. I have not forgotten his promise, his bared threat. This blatant gaze of his, is only the beginning. I can feel it in the air and in my blood.

At that moment, the drums sound for the introductions to begin. With them comes the presentation of the eligible candidates for the mating season. Which involves us to prove our physical fitness, through dance of all things. Briskly, I bring up a finger to my lips, while Ares continues to watch me with undeniable dangerous intent.

I gently pretend to wipe away any rouge traces of lip color. All the while his eyes follow my finger, until I bring my hand away from my face and place it against my thigh. Showing off my middle finger thrust away from my fisted palm. His eyes darken, and I smile as I hide away the offending appendage.

I know I shouldn't, but he threatened me, dared me. Forced me into a position where I had to give him what he wanted, but never again. I have played by the pod's rules for females to be gentle, kind, and obedient. I can't go back to that now, for the first battle between Ares and I has begun.

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