Chapter 5-Temptation

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I had not meant to follow Corintha to the Elder's house. All I wished to do this morning was take my morning run, to watch the birds fly overhead, and swim in the sun warm waters of the lagoon. My trek had taken me past the village dwellings, and down the jungle trail. Merely stopping to catch my breath, when I saw her.

The creamy paleness of her bare skin, drew me into a trance. I watched her drop the water over her head, and clean herself of muck and sand. Crouching in the brush, I forced myself still as she took off her dirty wet shift. Hunger fizzed through my veins when I saw her bare before me.

Plump pale breasts, a small waist, and long legs, had me aching to run up and kiss her frowning little mouth. Her long blood red hair, reaching down to her generous hips. The curling strands like octopus tentacles, covering parts of her that no other male will ever see, but me.

Silently, I watched her carry on with her tasks. Marveling at the muscles of her arms, as she chopped and chopped a seemingly endless stack of wood. As the sky brightened, she began walking towards the village square. With light feet, I tracked her through the brush, watching her return young animals home, and place forgotten tools beside hut walls.

Both my father and mother would be pleased with such a dutiful female. The care she takes with each fixed fence and lost toy, is worthy of any Mer bride. Soon, she comes to a stop before the Elder Isolde's hut, as I quickly hide in a cluster of foliage to see her better.

In shock, I watch her sniff the air. I feel a cruel grin cross my face, as she growls at me from the hut steps. Oh how wonderful, there she is underneath that facade of innocence and fear. Unyielding and brave, but still breakable as bleached coral.

With a predator like gaze, I watch her enter the hut. Her spine ramrod straight, and her hips unconsciously swaying as she goes. Now that she is inside, I calmly leave my shelter of fronds and head back home. I breath in the scents of the village, the tang of drying fish, morning fires, and jungle flowers filling the damp air.

The soft ground, seeps through my toes and the warm breeze leaves a trail of sweat on my brow. My parents will be pleased, after a handful of unsuccessful seasons I have found a female worthy of being at my side. All I have to do now is convince her, before these next two months fly by as quickly as a hummingbird. I chuckle at the irony of it all, now I want a female. A female that would rather see me dead, than have me for a mate.

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