Chapter 32-Morning On The Sea

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The rest of the night passed quickly, the swordfish was gutted and we ate the salty meat raw. We could have stopped at a small island to cook it, but the smoke would give away our location to unfriendly seafarers. Besides, unlike the humans Mer are able to eat the spoils of the sea without the need of cooking it. With that settled, we all grabbed a bedroll and blankets from the supply crates, and caught some much needed shut eye.

Now, with heavy lids I look up at the slowly brightening sky changing from gray to light shades of purple and pink. The cries of gulls mix with the lapping of the waves against the ship. I groan, and turn on my side clutching the blanket closer as a cold breeze brushes across the deck. Adila grunts, murmuring in her sleep as I roll away from her side.

Instantly, I know something is wrong, very wrong. When I went to sleep I placed myself between Adila and Octavia. Now that I've rolled over, all I see is the empty bedroll on my right. With the foggy wave of sleep leaving my head, I hurriedly toss the blanket off my legs and jump to my wobbly feet.

"By the mothers Octavia you better be here!" I holler, striding across the deck while looking to and fro over the boxes, ropes, and a suspiciously neatly stacked pile of crates.

In my fear ridden daze, I don't notice the hand that grabs hold of my ankle from the pile of blankets in the middle of the deck. The jerk on my ankle sends me crashing onto the floorboards. The air rushes out of me, and is followed by my growl of rage.

"You bastard," I hiss, twisting my head and body in order to see Ares grinning with mirth while rubbing his thumb on the bone of my ankle.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" he whispers, low enough to not wake Arcus who is currently snoring only a few feet away.

"You didn't hear me screaming enough to wake the dead?" I reply, wrenching my foot out of his grip and clambering to my feet. "Fine then, I suppose you wouldn't care that Octavia is no where in sight."

The sentence alone as him tossing aside the blankets and leaping to his feet. I make to continue my search, but the conniving wretch that he is pulls me back and clamps a swift kiss on my mouth.

"Think me so heartless do you?" he whispers, smiling in content before brushing by me without another word. "I assure you that your friend is still on the ship. But I will add another question for you. Where is Zola?"

I freeze, and pull in a shaky breath as I slowly turn around and take in the rocking ship. No one else lies sleeping on the deck, besides Arcus and Adila. The sight of Zola's short coiled hair and tall build, are nowhere to be seen. I would have stayed like that for the rest of the morning, if not for the sound of toppling crates and Octavia's startled screech.

"You fiend, you bloody tyrant!" she hollers, forcing my body around to the source of her screams. "When I get my hands on you your gonna be shark bait!"

Anger has turned her face red as sparking flames, while her hands shake as they attempt to hold the large gray blanket wrapped around her body. Her eyes throwing daggers at Ares leaning against the ship rail.

"No let me do it," Zola huffs, standing up next to her behind the toppled crates. "I could use the practice, so I can gut the catch with better precision."

"You'll need a lot more than practice when I'm through with you," I hiss, and sharply point my finger at the blanket wrapped around his waist.
"There better be a short pair of pants under that blanket, or you will be the one I put over the side for the sharks to feast on."

Octavia flushes at my remark, biting her lip in an attempt to hold back her snickers. The blanket shakes as she silently laughs, revealing the bare skin of her legs. "Then you'll need to throw me over the side to," she says, daring me to fall in on my threat.

I narrow my eyes, irritated and slightly amused at this new side to Octavia. It seems Zola has broken her out of her quiet shell. A good thing but annoying all the same.

"Fine then," I huff, crossing my arms and giving her an evil grin of my own. "But I'd advise you to get the herb bag from Adila. We don't need any more surprises until we get back to friendlier shores."

Octavia gapes in horrified shock at me as I turn on my heel and start preparing for another day on the sea.

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