Chapter 18-Threats Given

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Elder Dominique would be furious with me for what I've done. Using the the strips of my dress hem to tie Nox's wrists and ankles. The hard part came when I had to drag his heavy limp body, and place it against a tree trunk. Several times I slipped, skinning my knees and getting dirt, grass, and bug corpses on my dress.

It doesn't matter now, I already yanked another strip off the hem and tied it around my waist to hold my father's knife. My scalp hurts where Nox had pulled on my hair, and my sandaled feet are covered in a layer of dirt and mud. Just as I place his prone body against the moss covered wood, I smell another male coming my way.

I ignore it, or try to. That now familiar scent of lush vegetation, watery brine, and the ever fading fragrance of jasmine blooms. While I test Nox's bonds, making sure his wrists stay behind his back and his ankles are tied together perfectly.

"Treasure, what are you doing?"Ares says, his voice dropping down an octave. Down deep and unnerving enough to make my body stop it's ministrations. I back away from Nox and turn round to face Ares. Ares whose eyes gleam with dark intent, rage breaking out on  the harsh contours of his face.

"What I should have done long ago," I say, cold and harsh as the waves that slam against the ocean rocks.

He shakes his head in disbelief, before quickly closing the distance between us and grabbing my upper arm in a viselike grip. "I'd thought that you were smarter than this," he hisses in my ear, dragging me toward the river and away from Nox.

"How would you know?" I fire back, pulling against his hold that reminds me of a shark closing its jaws around its prey. "You barely know me. As if you would care, your just like every other male. Thinking you can have whatever female you want, and expect her to come crawling on her knees to you."

Ares laughs, dark and sinister as he grabs hold of my other arm. I struggle against harsh rough hands, but it only makes him tighten his grip. Of which will probably leave bruises for me to find in the morning.

"I'm not like the others, I actually use my head to do what I must," he whispers, tenderly pressing his lips against my neck. I bite my lip to hold back a moan, knowing that he would see it as a victory in this cruel game I've dragged myself into.

"Which is making sure that you don't ruin your future, just so you can beat up this poor excuse for a Mer," he hisses, making my spine go rigid right before he bites my neck. I barely have time to scream before it's over. One second Ares is holding me with his teeth piercing my skin, and the next I'm lying prone on the ground with him standing directly over me.

"You bastard," I say, my growl changing to a whimper as I press a hand to my wounded neck.

"Quiet Corintha," he growls, turning on his heel and heading over to Nox where he quickly unties the other male's bonds. "Be glad it was only your neck. Next time, I will be far less kind. Mark my words, little treasure."

The second he turns his head, I leap to my feet and take off at a clip. How dare he man handle me. How dare he mark my skin, but I know deep in my soul that his threat held true. He could do far more to me than what my grandmother or Nox could ever do.

My sandals pinch my toes as I run. My dress sticking to my body, as sweat and fear pour from my skin. I breath in a lungful of hurried air, pushing my way through the jungle. Heedless of the low hanging branches and bushes scratching up my legs, and tearing my dress to ribbons.

The sound of heavy running feet, grows louder as I go. Ares now in pursuit, for it seems the chase is on. Trees, vines, and branches blur by as I pump my legs faster and faster. My brutal pace takes me over fallen logs, and a few toppled boulders. But the growing ache in my side, burning lungs and legs, beg for me to stop. Lest I topple to the ground, exhausted and prone.

But I can't ignore the footsteps that grow louder as Ares draws closer to my fleeing form. So engrossed in pinpointing where he might be, I fail to see the low hanging branch in my path. Pain sparks in my head as I run into the branch, forcing me to a stop and making me fall onto the jungle floor.

I grab hold of my head, the pain pounding in time to my racing heart. My vision blurs, and I fear I might be sick as twigs snap underneath Ares feet as he comes into view. "Go away," I hiss, clenching my hand into a fist as he crouches down next to me.

"No, I don't think I will," he says, swiftly picking me up off the ground despite my protests. "You, dear treasure have been a very disagreeable female. But, I'll be nice and have someone get your head fixed. Then, I think you and I will have a nice long chat."

His words anger me, but I say nothing as the pain grows worse. Ares takes his time walking back to the village square. With me clutching my head, seething with rage all because of him. Thankfully, just as the bonfire and torches come into sight, my eyes swiftly close and my vision goes black.

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