Chapter 2-A Curious Find

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Pain lights up my skin, the barnacles rooted to my rock scrape my back as I tumble into the water. The harsh entry makes me let out a moan of pain, as my legs turn into my tail with scales ripping through skin. A moment later, rough hands grab my arm and pull me into an unforgiving hard chest.

The male briskly puts me into a bridal carry, before bringing us to the surface. The cold of the pool is replaced by warm night air. I shake as goosebumps appear on my skin, the breeze doing little to melt my chilled flesh. Water drops fall onto my forehead from above, annoyed I look up and shudder in horror.

Water drips down the male's face, a face so handsome it hurts for me to look. My mind reels in thought as his glowing gaze takes me in, and I him. He can't be more than a few summers older than me, his sun-kissed skin darker than my pale flesh. His eyes don't scare me as much as they did before. No cruel glint do I see in their depths, and his hold on me has slowly softened into a gentle embrace.

A yawn escapes me as tiredness comes back to reclaim my body. My eyelids droop, and my arms instinctively fold against my chest. The cold of my skin disappears, as the male pulls me closer to his startlingly warm chest. Then, I feel him start for the pool's edge as I fall into the most peaceful sleep of my life.

Ares pov:

I feel her fall asleep as I head up the incline and out of the rocky pool. Her breath flowing out in small shuddering gaps, while her cold skin slowly returns to a proper temperature. A foolish thing it is for her to be out alone at night. Especially, the night before the mating season. As of now, the other males are trampsing through the forest for food. A little female alone would be a perfect morsel for the heartless bastards.

Back through the slumbering jungle I go, thanking the mothers that she did not wake when I set her down in the grass, so I could put back on my pants. Now she whimpers against my chest, her damp curly hair framing a delicate yet strong face. A shallow scratch mars her cheek, the cut fresh and newly dried.

"Poor little thing," I whisper, softly rubbing her shoulder, finding scales beneath my thumb. "I should be the only one to do that." The overgrown path soon gives way to one of small carefully placed stones. The trees soon replaced by little twig fences, holding chickens and goats. Torches light the way to the village, huts made of palm fronds and drift wood crowding next to each other.

Despite the late hour, a few Mer still wander the village. For these unlucky few, I stop each one and ask where I can find my little parcel's family. After many shaking heads and furrowed brows, I finally find someone who does. A skinny young fellow with hair like hers, his eyes as green as fresh cut kelp.

"Yes, I know who she is," he says, spitting out a piece of tree gum. "She's my sister, Grandmother has been threatening to send for my uncle to drag her back."

All I can do is follow him as he takes off down the muddy stone trail. As I walk, I coax the boy's sister awake, gently whispering to her in a rumbling tone.

"Time to wake up treasure," I drawl, slowing to a stop as the boy reaches a simple hut and pounds on the door. The female's eyes flutter open, the speckled brown orbs taking me in with tired confusion. Only when the hut door opens with a loud creak, do they fully come alert and fill with fright.

"At last you are safe," the old woman before me says. Her face lighting up in a smile, one that only grows when she sees her granddaughter in my arms. "Oh Corintha, silly girl getting lost in that infernal jungle. Thank you Ares for finding her."

At the sound of my name, Corintha goes stiff in my arms. My heightened smell picks up her fear, slightly for me but far more so for the smiling crone. One who I instinctively know not to trust.

"It was no trouble Madame Elder," I reply, my tone calm and commanding like my father. "I believe she will feel better near the fire, she was so scared and frightened when I found her."

The woman nods in agreement, her hands clasping tightly together as I settle Corintha on the ground. Her legs shake as her feet touch the muddy stones. Slowly, I walk her up to the door and into the hands of her grandmother.

Stepping back, I watch the Elder pretend to fuss over Corintha. Brushing off her mud-streaked arms, and straightening her dirt brown shift. Somehow, I can't help but notice her face, her jaw clenched tight and her arms stiff as her grandmother turns her back around to face me.

"Corintha, I do believe this young man deserves your thanks," the crone says, in an obviously forcibly kind manner.

Cautiously, she steps forward. Her hands tangling up her fingers, as she peers up at me with resigned fearful acceptance. "Th-Thank y-you for bringing m-me back, Ares," she says, her voice melodious as a nightingale.

"It was my pleasure," I reply, gently taking her hand and kissing her callused knuckles. "Now have a goodnight."

Dropping her hand, I face her grandmother and shallowly bow. Turning on my heel, I head the rest of the way down the winding trail. Relishing in the fragrant night air, and the promise of my own warm bed.

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