Chapter 50-Myths, Sweets, and a Scandal

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🍃Hey y'all, yes it's been a bit but I got this one done after much planning and junk. 😎

🍀As previously stated in the last chapter this one will be longer, and hopefully tie up some loose ends maybe and add in more plots for the story to continue. ⚔️

🍀Happy reading everyone!💫

"Let me process this for a moment," the governer utters, squeezing the bridge of his nose with ink stained fingers. "This group of foreigners arrived on this island to find a lad taken by pirates. Then rescued him from the clutches of his kidnapper after somehow sending the man into a trance."

The human raises his eyes up behind a pair of thin eye glasses. Settling them upon me, Ares, and the rest of our group neatly lined up behind Odessa. While Marvin, Drago, and Costa sit on hard back chairs against the wall. "After doing so, two of these foreigners ran away under your supervision and when they were found. Had not only secured my daughter, but had dispensed with all four of her attackers."

"Actually, Corintha got three and Iris shot the other-." Lucas interjects before Arcus clamps a hand over his mouth. "Indeed," the human adds, fixing his gaze upon me with beady gray eyes. "A most intriguing series of events, told to me by a frightened messenger just moments before your arrival. Events caused by one individual, a young woman with long flowing hair, red as rubies, red as the flesh of an apple, red as fresh pumping blood."

"Beautiful beyond all measure, but filled with a raging battle lust befitting of one marked by Taranus himself." The governor does not take his gaze off me for a moment, discerning eyes like daggers trying to find a divot in my armor. "But that is not all he told me," he adds, steepling his fingers and passing his gaze down the line of Mer before him.

"Towns folk have witnessed a red haired lad with teeth sharp as knives. A young man with eyes blazing like hot coals and hair of darkest night, running down a crowded street. A maiden with curled black hair wrestling on the ground without regard for public decency, and then another young man wrenching open a carriage door with a clawed hand."

Though his words are meant to intimidate, none of us lower our heads with guilt from our actions. It would not disway this human's concerns from what he has been told. I only hope that he will see reason, enough to know that if we wished any harm to befall the humans on this island. We would not have stooped to help his daughter, without even knowing who she belonged to.

"Captain," the human utters gruffly, ushering Odessa over to the desk. "Given what I have said, I would hope you have some other helpful information as to why these events are even remotely possible."

Odessa nods his head stiffly, before bringing up a leather bound journal and opening it with the sound of fluttering parchment. "As Captain of the island guard," Odessa begins, placing the journal in front of the governor. "I found it highly valuable to become acquainted with parties that may help or hurt the stability of the port."

"As such, I have come across a particular group of young male wanders known for their hunting, fighting, and impeccable sailing abilities. Blending in with the traveling population, they go from island to island. Exploring, trading, and experiencing all that our Empire has to offer."

Odessa eyes Ares, Zola, and Arcus with knowing intent. As if daring them to refute his gathered knowledge, lording over his intelligence like a preening peacock. "However," he adds, clasping his hands behind his back, a posture meant to add to the aura of authority wafting off his frame.

"They are a secretive lot, never staying in one place for more than a day. Never paying for food or lodgings with coin, only with labor. And always avoiding being near large quantities of water when around other folk. A behavior suited to those that have something to hide."

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