Chapter 22-Actions and Admissions

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I hold my fisted hands in my lap, watching as the rest of the pod takes their seats on the long benches of the open air meeting pavilion. Adila and Octavia keep their eyes pinned on me, lest I scamper of from our front row seat on the hard bench.

I guess lunging at the so called prince, and then being to the pinned to the ground by my cousin and Ares to keep from strangling the foreigner, wasn't such a good idea. Especially now that Ares also has his eyes on me. Ones that at this very moment, are roaming across my body from the opposite side of the pavilion. Satisfaction sparks in their dark emerald depths, knowing what he did to make me come undone on the rock.

I mustn't worry though, it is the mating season after all. It's not uncommon for unmated Mer of age to engage in slight relations during the season. As long as they find a suitable mate of course. I wouldn't doubt that Adila, despite all her contempt for the males, has had at least one get past her harsh defenses. Octavia has already found something in Zola, who I have now learned to be Elder Isolde's grandson. But, I doubt she'll pursue anything beyond a few stolen kisses. Unlike me and Adila, Octavia isn't the kind to indulge. Making her probably the most innocent of us three stubborn Mer girls.

I straighten myself, meeting his gaze with my own of malicious contempt. What happened on that rock will not occur again, I vow it. Despite the flare of heat in my stomach when our eyes meet. Despite the fact, that even in the humid air blowing across the gathered crowd of the pavilion. My body longs for his touch, an addiction that has been well stoked. Only one thing will sate my craving, but that is better left for later.

The hush falling across the pavilion interrupts my tumultuous thoughts. On cue, Ares straightens and his father climbs up the pavilion stairs. Followed by his mate Dalia, a Mer as wise as her mate. Upon seeing them, there is no doubt that they are Ares's parents. Chief Ikar, though blond haired and blue eyed, shares the strong jaw and build of his son. While it seems that his mate, is the one who gave Ares his dark hair and eyes.

"My friends and Elders," Ikar begins, placing his hands behind his back, his chest puffing out against his blue silk vest. "It has come to my attention that the threat of invaders is real and imminent. Our brave scouts have proven the North Prince's words true. On the eastern side our island, his band of fifty warriors are stationed on the beach preparing to take him back by force."

Gasps sound around, the warriors guarding the pavilion hold tight to their spears. While children hold tight to their parents, and hushed cries sound from the young and frightened. Anger rushes through my veins, a brewing tempest threatening to boil over into a hurricane of rage and vengeance.

"Please remain calm," Madame Dalia cuts in, stepping up beside her mate with her green dress blowing in the wind. "There is a solution to this, but one that mustn't be made out of haste. It is possible that the return of the prince to his party, will dispel this threat of violence."

"But what of justice Madame?" I interject, earning a series of gaps and enraged shouts for me to be quiet. Despite my friends holding me down, I wrench myself off the bench and speak the words that in my heart must be heard.

"What of justice for me, for what he tried to do?" I say, holding back the tears collecting in my eyes. "That Northern Mer attacked me and carried me away to force himself on me! How do we know that if we give him back, that no other female will meet the same fate?"

The anger slips from her face and is replaced by horror. Madame Dalia's normal healthy tan skin, quickly pales to an ashy gray hue. I guess no one bothered to tell them what happened to me before they captured Prince Drikar.

"We need to act, we need to fight to protect our home," I continue, now feeling more alive than ever. "I will fight, I will see them stopped before more of us are singled out. If you don't wish to, then I shall do it myself!"

I don't wait for an answer. I know what I will do, avenge myself and protect them. Even if they may or may not wish to rid our home of these invaders. Turning on my heel, I leave the pavilion and make my way for Morzan's tool hut. Immediately, I hear shouting and curses spewed upon stepping off the last step.

Be it rage or pride, I know what I am doing is right. The Northern tribes are as viscous as we are, they won't take their prince and leave. They would strike us while we slept, and leave our bodies for the vultures to eat. Upon reaching the tool hut, I set to work finding a sutible fighting spear, a belt, and knives to be sheathed to it.

Just as I'm reaching for a pouch of blow darts that I made last month, my hand is grabbed and I'm pushed against the wooden hut wall. As before, Ares with his rough hands holds me firm by my shoulders.

"Go and take back your words," he growls, clenching his hands tighter against my flesh.
"You don't realize what you are playing at. Lives are on the line Corintha, don't let hate blind you."

"I'm not blinded Ares," I reply, grabbing hold of his vest and pulling him closer. "You do know who my father was? Elias the Protector, Elias the Strong, the only male brave enough to fight when everyone else believes otherwise."

"His blood runs in my veins, his words ring through my head every night. I'm not weak, I'm not blinded by my hate, I am lead by what is right. He trained me himself, trained me when no one thought it was wise for him to teach his daughter the rules of combat. I have bowed my head and have cowered for too long. I don't care what the pod will do to me if I go back, but I will return when I do what must be done."

I feel the tears drip from my eyes when I bare my soul, bare my rage and doubts. I look at him and see his eyes void of all charm and deceit. For once, I see something beyond the surface of his veneer of strength and power. For once I think, I see the boy he once was, before years of training and responsibilities molded him into a force to be reckoned with. For a moment, I see a change in Ares. Not the warrior who should be feared, nor a dangerous lover that is too be kept at bay, but something vulnerable. Something that I share with him, that I didn't see until now.

"Corintha," he whispers, the usual hint of teasing malice now replaced by desperate pleading. "You don't realize what you are doing, what you have done, to me. Don't leave me with this wanting, this craving just so you can throw yourself onto their spears."

"You feel it to?" I mumble in surprise, slowly relaxing into his hold. "Your not just confusing me for your own delight?"

He chuckles, and swiftly grabs my jaw, pulling my mouth into a heart wrenching kiss. I grab hold of his shoulders, while his other hand holds onto my waist. I moan when his tongue goes into my mouth, exploring and driving me mad as his other hand rubs my hipbone with harsh but gentle fingers. All too soon he stops, and let's me fall against the hut as he grabs a spear, bow, and a quiver of arrows.

"Every touch I've done to you was no game Corintha," he drawls, taking in my flushed face and wide eyes. "There is so much I have yet to try, but that will all have to wait. Now let's go, your friends and cousin have the same goal as you. But we must leave immediately, so we can continue our little conversation later."

I nod, swiftly grabbing my weapons as he starts for the jungle path. Hurriedly, I reach him and wisely place an arm's length of distance between us. Whether we succeed in our blatant disregard for his parent's decision, is another question that comes to my mind besides his admission of wanting me as much as I do him. I just pray that my brash actions will not lead to the destruction of my home. A home I did not think I would ever want to save. I guess the possibility of death, can do that to a Mer, I suppose.

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