Chapter 9-Haunting Desire

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"Your mad, utterly mad!" I gasp, horrified and confused at his demand. "I won't, I won't do it."

Somehow I find some hidden strength and punch him in the stomach, hard. He releases me as he lets out a low groan of pain, I take it as my opportunity to wrench myself away and swim towards the wall of rocks. Reaching the rough stone, I grab hold and start pulling myself up and out of the water.

Pebbles crumble and fall into the water under my weight, slimy algae clinging to my fingers as I crawl upwards. I pant and flop against the rock, desperately making my way to the top. Just as I make it halfway out of the water, those same warm hands grab hold of my tail. "Leave me alone," I hiss, thrashing my tail back and forth as I cling to the wet stone.

"I'm not going to hurt you treasure," Ares drawls, his eyes flickering with mischief as he gazes up at me with bared intent.

"That's what they all say," I reply, jerking my tail out of his hold and pulling myself the rest of the way up.

I groan as my tail splits back into my feeble thin legs. The tips of my nails break off as I scramble to the top. My dress sticks to my skin as I steady myself on the rock, the rough surface opening up the scratches on the bottoms of my feat. I pant with exertion and anger, especially when Ares starts to climb the rocks as well.

I make a break for it, gracelessly clambering across the rocks on shaky legs. Along the way, I grab my apron and toss it over my shoulder before jumping onto a set of smooth lagoon stones on the other side of the craggy wall. The landing sends pain through my feet and up my legs, but I don't stop.

Pushing off at a sprint, I jump across the water to each stone. Urging myself to go faster, as I hear Ares's own descent onto the stones. Every leap takes me closer and closer to the sandy shore. Freedom just out of my reach, and hopefully not torn from my grasp.

By the time I jump off the last stone near the shore, my body is exhausted and sore. My feet feel like sharp tiny spikes are being imbedded into the soles, and my head starts to pound with a growing pressure of pain. I stumble as I land on the ground, sand fluttering about me in a cloud as I fall into a heap on my side.

I shiver as the tide rolls onto the sand, the water splashing against my ankles and my drenched dress. I try to pull myself up, sand sinking beneath my hand while the grainy specks coat my fingers in a fine layer of grit. However, it's no use with my body so weak and tired, I crumple back down.

Closing my eyes, I listen to sounds of the waves, the wind blowing through the trees, and the cries of seabirds in the sky. The sun beats down on my skin, but its heat does not warm me as it used to. Another shiver wracks my body, I know the reason why. I know it for sure when those same hands from before, pull me up from the wet sand.

The heat that Ares gives off, has made my body crave it more than I crave the salt water on my skin. The warmth of the sun can't compare to what Ares gives to my skin. Sparks tingle up my spine as he cradles me against his chest. "You are spry for such a thin thing," Ares says, his voice almost a growl next to my ear.

I peer up at him with hooded eyes, irritation flaring through my veins when I spy his mouth close to my neck. "Put me down," I hiss, baring my teeth as he pulls his head back and grins.

That grin sends a pool of heat bubbling in my lower stomach. My breath starts to come in quick gasps when he grins wider, bringing his face just an inch away from mine. I stare in shock at this male, his eyes glowing a dark green, and locks of black hair fluttering in the wind.

"Not until Elder Isolde fixes you up," he replies, baring his own set of pointed teeth. "That was a dirty trick you pulled, treasure. Not very nice mind you, so I will be expecting that kiss or I can tell everyone that I didn't fall of my own accord."

The sparks stop from his words, the chills and fear return including the tears. "You wouldn't, you can't," I whimper, biting my lip to hold back a sob. "Besides, we're not supposed to do anything until after the feast."

Ares sighs, the sound so sad that I almost feel a bit of empathy for him. Almost, as another set of sparks and heat flow up my skin when he presses his lips against my neck. My face grows hot, and he chuckles deep and low sending shivers throughout my body.

"Alright smart one," he drawls, and starts heading up the beach towards the trail to the village. "I will lay off until the feast, but for your sake I would follow through on that kiss."

I slowly nod my head, fisting my hands into the drenched fabric of my apron. I try hard to ignore the whirlwind of emotions boiling inside me. Fear of what he'd do if I don't obey his demand. Irritation from his meddling in my life, anger for my grandmother who is probably plotting a match. Finally, this strange feeling in my body from being near Ares.

It's not attraction, it's more carnal, a need that I wish to act upon. However, I'm scared of what would happen if I gave in. A single kiss, a brush of my hand across his chest would be disastrous. I'd become distracted, foolish, dependent, and ruin my plans for escaping this island, forever.

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