Chapter 35-To Know Thy Enemy

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I watch the waves crash upon the shore, while the wind blows the red strands of my hair across my cheek. Testing the weight of the rock in my hand, I wait for the perfect moment for the waves to calm. My patience is rewarded, and with a sharp flick of my wrist I send the rock skipping across the water. The small black chunk driving into the oncoming rush of sea and salt.

For the past hour I've done this as my friends sit on the rocks behind me, while watching Zola, Ares, and Arcus unload the supplies under the watchful eye of Madame Costa. For a human, she would be a force to match with Elder Isolde. The confident set to her shoulders, her all knowing gaze, and a flicker of cunning hidden in her dark eyes.

I admire this human, at first I had thought she would faint when I presented her with her sandal. Instead she looked at me in wonder, an emotion that I had never thought would be caused by me. I've only ever known the disgust of the village females, desire from the males, and the tender comfort of family. My family. My broken and lost family. The thought of it, makes the ache in my heart tighten its hold in my chest.

"Oh Lucas," I whisper, grabbing hold of his pendant that I had placed round my neck before we had left home. "Where are you my little warrior?"

Anguish sends my stomach in knots, and the serrated edge of the arrowhead cuts into my skin as I clench it harshly in my palm. Soft hands quickly appear, opening my fingers and forcing them to let go of the pendant.

"Rinthy please," Octavia croons, pressing my boneless hand between her pale palms. "It will be okay, we will find him."

I nod, as a tear escapes down my cheek leaving a salty trail across my ointment coated skin. Octavia pats my hand as Adila places her warm callused ones on my shoulders.

"Come on," she says, gently forcing me to move my legs towards Madame Cotsa's modest wood hut. "The sooner we get all of this over with, the sooner you can bash some heads in. My sister gave me her blow-darts, and Elder Isolde also provided some of her special plants that will drive those hunters mad."

"Hmm," I hum, relaxing somewhat as our feet squish in the wet sand. "That sounds wonderful, and satisfyingly fun. I just hope whatever we have to do to appear human, will not interfere with me sending a spear through their hearts."

"You can't seriously expect us to wear this," I utter in disgust, holding the stiff looking garment in my hands. "It looks like a misshapen fishing basket."

"It is called a corset little fish," Madame Costa drawls, setting down two more of the dark colored contraptions on her low palm wood table.
"It's what you where over the chemise, an under dress if you will."

To demonstrate she places one of the corsets on top of a faded dress of cotton. The sleeves and neckline decorated with small bunches of cloth, of which the old woman called ruffles.

"Then you have a petticoat over that," Madame Costa continues, placing a cream colored skirt atop the dress and corset. "After that is on you place the actual outer skirt over the petticoat. Oh and I mustn't forget the stockings and shoes."

"Stockings?" Adila questions, raising her brow as the woman places another skirt, in green no less, over the garments.

"Yes my dear," she replies, adding two strips of cloth and a pair of flat leather shoes to the pile.
"It is considered the mark of a harlot to go about showing off ones bare legs."

"They would hardly be able to see any of my legs with that layered on me," Octavia huffs, narrowing her eyes at the offending fabric. "Why can't we wear the trousers and shirts the males have? At least they look halfway comfortable, not to mention that they are actually possible to fight in."

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