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"She was there, you weren't"

There's no way he just said that to me. It was THREE FUCKING DAYS. He literally could've just hopped on a plane to see me. Especially with all that money him and his family got.

From there on out, it's like my body wasn't even controlling itself. I stood up with my drink, trying my best not to hit him.

Mariah- You could've flown out to see me.

I said, tightening the grip on my cup. At this point people started looking. I guess Melo noticed it too and lowly spoke in my ear.

Melo- You better not pour that drink on me. I'm not fuckin playing Mariah.

Mariah- Or what, LaMelo? Are you gonna hit me? Right here in front of everyone? Your parents? That won't be a good look for you.

His breath hitched and I know he was getting angrier by the second.

Melo- I swear to God, you're so lucky we're in public.

Mariah- Did you ever hit Ashley? What about Ana? Or was it just me you beat on?

Looking down, I saw his hand twitch. Jackpot.

Melo- I'm walking away before I get arrested.

He huffed, making me set my drink back down.

Melo- Don't let me catch you alone Mariah. It won't be pretty.

Mariah- Is that a threat?

Melo- It's a promise.

Before I could even respond he turned around and walked back towards his table, leaving me standing there. I was too upset to care about the stares that were being directed towards me as I sat back down.

Sydney- Uhh, what the hell just happened?

Mariah- Nothing.

No one really knew what Melo was like behind closed doors. That facade he puts on for everyone else is so fucking fake. "Golden Child" my ass. But what's even more fucked up, is I still love him after all the shit he's put me through. It sounds bad and I really shouldn't but I can't help it. Bro just look at him.


Ignoring the looks my brothers gave me, I sat back down in the booth next to Ana who linked her arm into mine. I wanted to push her off, just because of how mad I was. I've never been like towards any girl in my life, but Mariah just makes me mad in a way I never could imagine.

Lonzo- You good bro? You're shaking.

I responded with a quick "Mhm" to get him off my back and looked away, out the window.

Ana- You sure?

Call me dramatic, but I couldn't take the questioning. If I say I'm okay, just take it as that. Don't be fucking stupid and ask again.

Melo- I said I'm fine.

She was taken back by my response. It was sort of snappy and I usually never snapped at Ana like that. I don't even know why I was so mad. All Mari did was confront me about my fuckup. I'll admit, what I did wasn't good, but I just didn't wanna buy a plane ticket at that time. Cause by the time I would've gotten there the feeling would already be gone and it'll be all for nothing.

Sighing, I got up and left the booth. I had to go somewhere before I actually snapped.


Ana watched sadly as Melo left the booth. She didn't know what she did to make him upset. Zo seemed to notice this.

Lonzo- Don't take it personal. He rarely gets like that. It's only when he argues with Mari.

He wasn't too fond of Ana, but he wanted to make sure she didn't take Melo's hostility the wrong way.

Ana- Who's Mari?

Gelo- His ex.

Lonzo- It's best to keep them as far away from each other as possible when they're not together.

Two whole new sides of Melo comes out whenever he's with Mariah. The happy one, and the angry one. The angry version would show after and argument and it's just them two. Happy is what he'd show the rest of the world.

Ana- Is she gonna be a problem for me?

Gelo- Honestly? Probably. As long as she's in his life, she'll be a problem for any relationship he has.

Ana had come too far for some ex girlfriend of Melo's to fuck up what they had.

Ana- Well how do I keep her out of his life?

Lonzo- You can't. She'll be apart of his life forever. Her uncle's my manager. All you gotta hope is that he won't steer towards her. Because that's how it always ends up.

Gelo- But you should be fine. Mari hates Melo.

Unbeknownst to everyone inside, Mariah had gotten up to use the bathroom. Little did she know, Melo would be leaving.

Just before she could turn the corner to enter the women's restroom, an arm grabbed her, pulling her into an entire different restroom.

Before she could even speak, she was pinned to the door, Melo holding her down by her neck.

Mariah- The hell is wrong with you?!

Melo- Didn't I say not to let me catch you alone?

Mariah- I don't care. Let me go.

She said, attempting to push Melo off of so she could breathe. This was a mistake and she learned it quickly because he sent a punch to her side, making Mariah wheeze.

Melo- You made me snap at Ana.

Mariah- I didn't make you do shit.

With this, she brought up her knee and shoved it between his legs. He swore and immediately backed away to recover from the pain she'd caused him. Mari took this time to get away, out of the mens bathroom.

Melo- I'm gonna fucking kill you.

Was the last thing Mariah heard from him before the men's restroom door closed.

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