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Watching Melo leave my apartment made my stomach twist. What the hell is wrong with me? It's like he put me under a fucking spell, and all he had to do was say those three words.

I love you.

What's even worse is the fact that I know damn well he didn't mean it. He knew how much power those words held over me, and he loved manipulating me with them.

Melo wasn't always like this though. Everything was normal up until the JBA era, when they weren't playing right and I took Melo's phone.

At that time, once we got back to the hotel I'd never seen him so angry with me. I refused to give it back until he fixed his attitude, and that was the first time he laid a hand on me. He slapped the shit outta me.

Right after he apologized and cried once he saw the damage he'd done to my face. I kept telling him that it was okay, that he didn't mean it. That day I also promised never to tell anymore.

Since that day it'd gotten worse. He hadn't dare hitting Ashley, only because he knew she'd tell the world he was a woman beater. A modern day Chris Brown. It wasn't good for his image so he stuck to taking his anger out on the only person who'd never say a word. Me.

It started out with small things, like shoves, here and there. I usually fought back but it'd end up with me losing every time. Then it turned into full on swings. I tolerated it because he'd turn back into the boy I loved right after. He loved me and that's all that mattered.

Everytime he did it, it was always chest and below. All the areas that couldn't be seen with clothes. Never the face, arms, or legs. Well, below the thigh. It amazed me how he could go from a sweet, loving guy to a horrible monster within minutes. Everyone saw him as this sweet boy. No one would ever know he's capable of such things.


Looking at herself one last time in her bathroom mirror, Mariah begun to get ready for bed. All the crying she'd just did have her a headache. She knew she would be sleeping good. Sleep after crying is the best sleep on could get.

Meanwhile, somewhat far away, LaMelo was in his car, arguing on the phone with Ana.

Ana- Why does she have to come to his party?

For once, Melo was glad she couldn't see him because he gave the air the "are you dumb" look.

Melo- Because she's his niece Ana, and he wants her there.

He really just wanted to ask if she was as stupid as she looked, or did the plastic get to her brain.

Ana- I just..I don't know babe. I don't trust her. I feel like she wants you back.

If anyone's not to trust, it's him, he thought. He was coming from her apartment. He's the one who wanted Mariah back, not her. What he liked about Mari is that no matter what girl he got with, he always found a way to sneak around with the girl and no one suspected it. She did a hell of a good job pretending to hate him.

Melo- Why would she want me back? I cheated on her. Several times.

Ana- Uh, because you have money? She sees you doing good and she wants a piece of it.

Melo gripped the steering wheel, refraining from calling Ana out of her name. Mariah was a lot of things, but she certainly wasn't a gold digger.

He'd known her almost his whole life, first meeting her in first grade. The only girl who didn't want to play jump rope during recess. They'd take turns throwing a basketball back and forth instead. His best friend, who somehow turned into the love of his life.

Melo- I promise, you don't have to worry about her. She's not gonna be a problem. You're being over dramatic.

Ana- I know, but it's just that..Gelo said she'll be a problem for any relationship you'll be in as long as she's in your life.

Kissing his teeth, Melo stopped at red light and played with his hair.

Melo- You're seriously gonna listen to him? I doubt he has any functioning brain cells.

Ana- Stop, that's your brother.

Melo- Believe whatever you want Ana. I'm not having this conversation with you anymore. You're stressing over a girl that'll never be as beautiful as you are.

That was a lie and he knew it. He just told her what she wanted to hear so she'd shut up.

Ana- Awwww. You're right. I shouldn't be so worked up about it. I got you and she doesn't. That's all that matters.

Melo- Uh huh.

Little did she know, Melo was so close to kissing Mariah. He would've done much more if she was in her right mind and wasn't crying.

Ana- Alright. I love you, I gotta go.

Melo- You too.

He'd never say those words to another female unless they were his mother, a family member, or Mariah. He didn't even say it to Ashley.

Ana hung up and Melo let out a sigh of relief. But that relief was short lived after he called his older brother.

Gelo- Wassup?

Melo- Did you tell Ana that as long as Mari's in my life she'll be a problem for any relationship I'm in?

He was angry, but not that angry. Gelo had no right to even mention Mariah to her.

Gelo- Yeah.

Melo- Nigga why would you do that?

Gelo- Cause it's true, and you know it. Anyone who knows y'all history knows it. You're still in love with her. You always will be. You the most down bad out of us all.

Melo- No I'm not.

Gelo- Cap. I seen the way you looked at her on Friday when she came in with her friend. You don't look at Ana like that. You ain't even look at Ashley like that.

Melo didn't want to admit it, but everything Gelo said was right, and it terrified him.

Melo- That's just cause I was surprised. I ain't expect to see her there, of all places. She hates any wing place.

Gelo- See, that right there is why she'll be a problem. But why'd you ask?

Melo- She was on my ass talkin bout she don't want Mari at Dmo's party.

Gelo- The fuck? If anyone ain't wanted at his party it's her old ass.

Melo- Chillll. That's my girl.

Gelo- So? You know don't nobody like her.

Melo- Ight, I'm hanging up now Gelo.

Gelo- Uh huh, whatever. Bye nigg.

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