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Much to her dismay, Mariah found herself outside the Hornets training facility. This was the last place she wanted to be, especially after Friday night's interaction with LaMelo. Where he'd punched her turned into a nasty bruise she had iced all Saturday.

She was genuinely glad she'd injured her knee and was out the rest of the season because she knew Irene would question her during practice.

Which brings her back to her current situation. It's ten fourty five and she's regretting even getting out of bed.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I agree to this meeting. I feel like he's just gonna offer me my old job back; assistant equipment manager. I was pretty darn good at my job, and then I found out Melo got drafted here. So I left out of fear. At this point I have nothing to lose so why not?

Anyways, entering the building made my heart pound. I hadn't walked these halls in so long, yet I still remember them like the back of my hand.

But what sucks is, Mj's office is past the practice court, which meant I had to possibly face others. Judging by all the yells and shoes skipping I heard, they were practing. Please don't notice me.

Terry- Oh snap! Is my favorite E.M back??

Dammit Terry. You just had to fucking say something. Out the corner of my eye I saw the older male stop what he was doing and look up.

Just my freaking luck, everyone else on the court looked up as well. Fucking nosy, that's what they all are.

Mariah- No!

Now drop the subject and go back to throwing the ball inside hoops.

Gordon- Liar, we can see the keycard!!

Shit. I'd been exposed. What now?

Mariah- No you don't.

Thankfully, I sped up my walking speed so that I was now past the court and near the offices. Why were there so fucking many?

Finding the right one, I lightly tapped on the door, indicating I was here. Waiting a couple seconds I heard a "come in".

Opening the door, I was greeted with Mj, and Borrego just sitting there. Not gonna lie it was kind of intimidating.

Michael- Good afternoon Mariah.

Mariah- Uhh..hi?

James- Take a seat.

Oh Good Lord. I'm about to get sued. I swear I didn't even do anything. I took a seat in the chair next to Borrego and tried to not piss myself.

Michael- Do you know why I asked Borrego to have you meet us?

Mariah- No, not really.

James- We want to offer you your position back. But as Head assistant.

Head? The fuck does that even mean??

Mariah- Why?

James- Sánchez won't work with anyone unless he has you with him.

Awww. I'd lie and say that didn't make me the slightest bit flattered, but it did.

Michael- You'd be doing what you did before but with slight adjustments. A higher pay grade, your own office, and an apartment down the street because we know you live in Duke's dorms and that's a two hour drive.

Hmm. Do I take it? I mean, the only cons of this is I'd have to deal with seeing Melo and occasionally talking to him. But he's just one factor in all of this.

James- So how does that sound?

Mariah- I'll take it.

Both men smiled at my response. I know they missed me working for them.

Michael- Great, I'll have you meet Sanchez. You remember the way right?

Fuck. I hadn't thought this through. To get to Elliot's office I'd have to actually walk on the court floor because it was on there.

Mariah- Yep.

Michael- Here are the apartment keys.

He reached over and handed me a set of keys with an address on them. After taking them, both men gave me a nod to signal a goodbye.

Nodding back, I left the office and took in a deep breath. Well here goes nothing. This time I damn near ran across the thing so no one could see me.

I kind of regretted it because now my knee hurt. I really shouldn't run with this freaking brace on. But my doctor says I need it if I'm doing exercise like activities. WHICH IS ALL THE TIME.

Elliot- Let me guess. You said yes?

He asked as I got near the kitchen type area. You could see the practice court from there.

Mariah- I mean..yeah. They made you seem lonely so I felt bad.

Elliot- Very funny. Alright peg leg, let's get you to my office so we can sign some things and I'll show you to your new office.

Mariah- I don't have a peg leg!

Elliot- Yeah okay.

He scoffed and I rolled my eyes, now following him down to the court. Thankfully it was empty and I didn't have to deal with any drama.

Once we got inside Elliot's office, he immediately got out some documents that were in his desk.

Elliot- Basically all these say is that you'll be my head of assistant managers.

He handed me a pen and I nodded, quickly scanning it with my eyes, making sure it was legit. After looking over it, I signed my name.

Elliot- Nice to have you back. You'll start tomorrow and I'll have your office ready. Be here at eight.

Smiling, I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

Mariah- See you tomorrow.

Elliot- Byee.


All the players stood in the parking lot near their cars, conversing about the game tomorrow.

Miles- One of y'all better not end up sick I swear to God we can't have any more starters missing.

James- On God, I'm tired of filling in for y'all.

Mid conversation, a black Tesla pulled up, driving itself with The Weeknd playing, making all eyes to turn towards it.

Melo clenched his jaw, knowing exactly who's car it was. He was the one that bought it.

Gordon- The hell?

Vernon- When did you get a Tesla?

He asked, seeing his friend come out the elevator leading to the parking lot. All eyes turned towards where Vernon looked.

Mariah- It was graduation present from LaLiar.

She replied walking past them. Melo rolled his eyes. The others couldn't believe it. They never suspected Melo to buy a whole car for a female. Hell, he barely bought anything for Ana.

Melo- You think you're funny Mariah?

He glared as she walked right past him, bumping his arm somewhat aggressively. The last thing he wanted to do right now was get angry.

Mariah- I'm absolutely hilarious.

With that, she got inside the car and drove off.

i'm thinking of dropping two chapters everyday
is that okay with y'all?

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