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y'all should try the pink powerade


As the cop left the room, in walked Jaden, Jada, Mearah, with Melo behind them. Jaden had her hair tied up in a bun which was odd because it was down when she left. Now I'm not dumb. I knew they went to go fight I just didn't think Jaden would do it.

Shaqir- Alright Jaden, who'd you fight?

He asked once the door was closed and the coast was clear. I almost laughed at how blunt he was.

Jaden- Let's not worry about that just yet.

From the corner of her eye Jaden looked over at Melo as he made his way towards my bed. I don't think she saw anyone notice but I did.

I also noticed Melo holding his right wrist, almost like he was hiding something. So me being nosy I obviously grabbed his arm.

At first he was resisting like he didn't want me to see what happened. We played tug of war for a couple seconds before I decided to bite him.

Melo- What are you, a toddler?

He rubbed the spot I bit and glared at me while I just rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm.

Mariah- The fuck did you do?

His right hand was all red and bruises were starting to form around his knuckles. He better not have fucking broke it. All eyes were on him and he could care less. He just looked at me.

Melo- Nothing. A dinosaur just ran into it.

It took me a few seconds to process what he meant by that, but I couldn't stop laughing once I realized. My side was burning like hell but I didn't care. This shit was funny.

He actually smacked her, and I didn't get to see.


Everyone stared at Mariah in confusion as laughter kept emerging from her body. She hadn't laughed like that in some years so this was a rare occasion. Lavar was the first to realize what his son meant by "dinosaur".

Lavar- LaMelo, don't tell me you hit that girl.

He had to at least and try keep a steady voice or he would've been laughing along with Mariah. Zo and Gelo didn't hesitate to start laughing as well.

Tina- Deserved.

Her comment was the one that made Lavar slip up and laugh too.

Melo- I may have smacked Sydney too.

He told Mariah once she calmed down a bit more. Hearing Sydney also got hit sent her into a deeper fit of laughter. This was the best news she'd gotten in forever. He put down two birds with one stone.

Andre- Ooh I've been waiting for someone to smack her cheating ass.

Andre was still bitter from back in high school when Sydney cheated on him with a boy two grade below them.

Mariah- Now I'm sad. I wish I could've seen it.

She said, catching her breath and calming down.

Mearah- Trust me, it was hilarious. They both went flying.

Mariah- Why'd you hit them?

LaMelo gave Mariah an offended look. He didn't believe she seriously just asked him such a stupid question.

Melo- The fuck you mean why? They hurt you, Mari. Was I supposed to just sit there and do nothing?

He never wanted to hear her scream how she did when she saw them walk in here again. It was the most heartbreaking thing ever.

Mariah- I thought your woman beating days were over though.

Melo- They are. But those bitches deserved it.

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