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     After dinner, Maya and I dropped Hayden off at grandmas and rushed to make our shift at Rampage. Jeremy wasn't too happy when we left considering I'd stuck him with the three stooges but he'll make it work.

That or explode and kick em to the curb...I highly doubt it though.

Yes, it was a second job but it was only on the weekends, I had Maya with me and our boss, despite the train wreck he is, is more lenient on whether we show up or not. Not that I ever consider it so, I'm always there when expected because I can't afford to miss a paycheck to save my life.

Rampage is one of the more popular college bars that was also near the campus, so if we weren't serving students who were of age, we were serving creepy old men.

Once Maya and I arrived Benny clear the bar until almost everyone in sight had a drink. He jumped at the chance to take a break considering we were running a little late. I spotted a group of men approaching Mayas end of the bar, that creepy look in their eyes.

I knew Maya would take advantage, flirting as many tips into her pocket as she could so, I could only watch in amusement. They all fought for her attention, deciding to linger around the counter a little longer after she served them their drinks.

I shook my head with a laugh and began cleaning up the few spills we made while clearing the beginning of the nights rush.

"I'll take a whiskey!" Someone ordered.

"Coming right u- oh for fucks sake" I cut myself off, leaning on the counter, letting out a defeated breath.

There he stood, on the other side of the counter looking both amused and just as shocked as I did the second our eyes met.

"You got some weird drink obsession or something? Barista by day, bartender by night!" He grinned like a child. I took a deep breath, deciding to just quickly pour the whiskey he ordered and let him go about his way.

"The silent treatment? Crazy drink lady, I thought we were past the bickering phase" he grinned again but all I did was set his glass in front of him and returned to the clean up I started.

"You know, I thought we had this thing going on where you pretend not to like me but deep down you find me completely irresistible" he continued and my jaw clenched at his words.

"This isn't cute, alright? It isn't funny, it's not even remotely entertaining. Other people might kiss your ass making you feel entitled to act the way that you do, but I refuse to do the same" I snapped.

His grin, slowly but surely, began to grow into a big cheeky one as the words poured out of me. I couldn't help but notice of the one dimple that indented his right cheek.

It was just the one...

Before he could say anything else, a gorgeous woman approached him from behind, looping her arm around his. I snapped myself out of the trance that might've seemed creepy had I been caught.

So he has a dimple, whatever.

"You left me hanging T, I almost had to scout for a new dance partner" the woman pouted.

Well that's definitely not the same girl from the party.

"Don't give up on me now beautiful, I was just getting our drinks. Barkeep! A margarita please" he called out, the most wicked smirk on his lips.

I fought every urge to glare at him before I turned around to make the drink.

Tristans attention was no longer on me, as if it never was to begin with. His eyes stayed locked with the woman's and he took every opportunity to lean in and whisper in her ear. She would giggle and blush the brightest shade of red.

I could've thrown up at the sight, I really could have.

"Shit!" I hissed, realizing I had overfilled the glass and spilled tequila all over my hand. By instinct, I stole a quick glance at the couple and could see both of their eyes on me. My face heated up with embarrassment.

The girl looked annoyed, which seemed to be an effect Tristan had on women whenever I was around, and he looked overjoyed at the sight.

Quickly starting over and finishing her drink, I rushed over to set it down in front of them.

"Sorry about that, on the house" I forced a smile and grabbed a rag to dry my hand.

"I'll meet you out there, let me just pay" Tristan nudged the woman after handing her the drink I just made. He then brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them gently, in a way I probably would've found charming had he not been a complete jackass.

Once she disappeared into the crowd, Tristan turned to face me and began pulling out his wallet.

"Yours is on the house too, just get the hell away from my bar" I sighed, rubbing my face in exhaustion.

"I'm a customer, you play your part and I-"

"Tristan...please just go" I cut him off and all of the amusement and joy that filled his eyes had completely drained. He gulped and scanned my face for the brief moment he lingered and without another remark, he put his wallet back in his pocket and also disappeared into the crowd.

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