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    The sun beamed on my face making me squeeze my eyes shut and let out a groan. Bringing my hand up to massage my temple, I slowly sat up, resting my face in the palms of my hands.

What the hell happened last night?

I lifted my head and finally opened my eyes, prepared to take in the brightness of this morning. When I turned my head to check the time my heart nearly stopped. I blinked and even rubbed my eyes to make sure what I was seeing, was really there.

She was.

Evangeline sat in my office chair, her head resting on her arms that crossed at the edge of my bed.

I gulped and tried to remember everything that happened last night, right down to the last detail.

I couldn't even collect any proper thoughts because I couldn't even process the fact that she was there, here, in my bedroom. She couldn't possibly be comfortable right now and still, she was sound asleep, as if she hadn't slept in ages.

I looked over at my night stand, spotting a glass of water and some painkillers laid out by my alarm clock. I smiled and glanced back over at Evangeline, light snores escaping her lips.

Careful not to wake her, I swiped the water and painkillers, downing them quickly and trying to scan her features.

"What the hell happened..." I whispered as I leaned over and pulled a small leaf from her hair.

"This is a good hiding spot huh?"

My own voice echoed in my head as the memories, slowly but surely, started forming. I shut my eyes and facepalmed when I finally remembered the absolute fool I made of myself.

A bush? Oh Fuller, you idiot.

Jeez, I dragged this poor girl into a bush, drunk out of my mind and she still brought me home. Brought me home and made sure I was okay.

Why did she stay?


Another memory formed and I felt the guilt wash over me when it did.

She stayed because I asked her to? She could've gone and left me drunk in my living room, but she didn't because my dumbass asked her to stay! Even after I fell asleep, which I'm sure was only moments after I asked her to stay...she still decided not to leave. So, I'm left with the same question:

Why did she stay?

I let out a sigh and got out of bed as quickly and quietly as I could. She didn't even move a muscle.

God...she must be exhausted.

I walked around to where she rested and swiftly bent down to lift her up bridal style. Her head fell against my chest and she continued to snore softly. I stood there, Evangeline asleep in my arms, in the middle of my bedroom, and just analyzed her face a little bit longer.

Swallowing at the sight, I hurried to lay her in my bed, covering her up and watching her snuggle into my pillows.

Her phone started buzzing on the dresser and I read Mayas name as it flashed across the screen.

I looked back at Evangeline and without hesitation, picked her phone up to turn the sound off. It was only seconds later that her phone buzzed again, this time Coopers name flashing the screen.

I started to get a bit irritated.

She's not around for one morning and it's as if the entire city was searching for her. She must run herself to the ground for these people and now, it's like they expect her to show up at every call. Not even her own brother has called before her friends did and I can't imagine what they could possibly need at this hour.

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