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"Have a good day kid! I love you!" I called out to Hayden as he made his way towards the schools entrance.

He spun around and gave me the goofiest grin, waving his hand and yelling back an 'I love you' in return.

My heart leaped at the sight, as it often does when it's my turn to take Hayden to school. It gave me a burst of pride that the kid I dropped off expressed his love, out loud, while others were embarrassed to say goodbye to their own mothers.

I waited until Hayden made it inside the big double doors and smiled before peeling out of the school parking lot.

Yes, it's my day off and I've been up since 7am, making lunches that I forgot to make last night. That and the same nightmare from last week woke me up bright and early, I pretty much offered to take the kid to school.

Now, as usual, I made my way to Liv's to pick up my drink and then decide what needed to be done for the rest of my day. Everyone was in class or at work and I had hours to spend and do whatever I wanted before the daily mayhem.

That, and I was helping Maya and her mom cater an even later tonight so, I was really on my own until then.

"Hey Frankie" I grinned and waved to Oliver who was currently on the phone, pacing frantically around the empty shop.

"His mom, found a very dirty picture in his bedroom" Frankie explained making me laugh.

"Picture? What is this, 1986?" I snorted.

"It was a picture of shirtless Brad Pitt for some social media project he's been working on" Frankie continued and I had to stop myself from laughing.

"Jeez, that woman..." I shook my head and gave Oliver a sympathetic smile.

"Your usual" Frankie beamed, sliding the cup to me and I playfully bowed.

"My hero, truly" I praised, swiping the cup and handing her a couple of crinkled bills I had in my pocket.

"Anything special on todays crazy schedule?" She asked as she straightened out the bills and placed them in the register.

"Actually...I think I'm pretty much free until this thing I have later, with Maya" I told her, taking a sip and holding my hand out for the change and receipt.

"Really? The Vangie Carter has a couple of hours free?" Frankie playfully gasped and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah...I guess I do" I chuckled trying to check off the things I already got done these last couple of days.

Groceries were stocked, bills were sorted, apartment was cl-

"Great, let's go!" A voice made me jump and before I knew it, I was being dragged out of Liv's, Frankie snickering behind the register while she waved goodbye.

"Woah- hey, let go-" I cut myself off and looked up to see Tristan smirking as he kept his eyes forward and dragged me out by the wrist.

"Tristan? What a- okay- you're really strong" I grumbled as I tried to keep up without dropping my things. His legs are so long and I was trying not to trip over my own two feet.

We approached a car that was parked right next to mine, making mine look like it was fresh out of the dump.

"Wow...this is yours?" I gawked, grazing the hood of the big shiny thing before me.

"Yeah...you a car girl?" He asked and I looked over at him with a laugh.

"Um, no, but I can recognize a nice car when I see one" I shook my head.

"Wait until you see the inside" he beamed and I laughed before snapping my head in his direction.

"Wait what?" I asked, remembering he dragged me out here without an explanation. Was he in Liv's the entire time? Why didn't I notice? Did he put Frankie up to that whole thing?

"Have you eaten? Let's grab something" Tristan shrugged, walking over to me, guiding me to the passenger side of his car.

"W-what? No" I refused, spinning around to face him and his amused eyes.

"Why not?" He laughed.

"Tristan, I can't just get in your car and go with you" I told him, gripping the strap of my bag.

"And I ask again, why not?" He repeated, that stupid smirk on his face.

"Be-because I'm busy" I lied.

"You just said you had a few free hours" he pointed out, folding his arms.


"I know you probably haven't eaten, you have the time to kill and I promise I won't kidnap and kill you, now just get in the car Evangeline" he joked, opening the door for me and leaning on it, waiting to see what I was going to do.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, what's an hour or two with me?" he shrugged, grinning like a child, flashing me that one dimple that made my stomach flutter.

"My car..." was all I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't drive on its own does it? Let's go, by the time you've used all your excuses, it'll be lunch" he smirked, reaching to grab my bag and setting it in his car before gesturing to the passenger.

Oh for fuck sake.

I caved and slid into his passenger seat, reaching for my seatbelt and angrily clicking it over me. I glanced up at Tristan who shut my door with a victorious grin before he jogged around the car to climb into the drivers seat.

The drive was completely silent and every time I would look over at Tristan, he had this ghost of a smile on his lips. I was very confused and a bit anxious at the same time.

I just...got in his car and now, I'm realizing how completely ridiculous that was.

Hey, get in my car.


Vangie, you absolute moron...

When Tristan pulled over, I realized we had stopped at one of the nicest restaurants in the whole city. I know because I make sure to never walk in there after a time where I almost paid $40 for a bowl of chowder.

"I'm not eating here" I stated as soon as Tristan reached to unbuckle his seatbelt.

"What? Why?" He looked at me in disbelief.

"I refuse to eat here Tristan" I shrugged and looked over at him.

"It's my treat, shouldn't I decide?" He challenged and I just scoffed.

"No, we split the bill, which means I get half of the say" I glared at him and he just let out a laugh, sinking into his seat.

"You are quite possibly the most difficult woman I've ever dealt with" he shook his head and started the engine again.

"I find that very hard to believe Tristan" I smirked.

"So, where do you suggest we go, Evangeline?" He sighed and I pursed my lips, trying to think of a more acceptable place.

"Oh! I know! Keep driving down this street!" I beamed and when I looked over at him, he wore the softest smile before peeling off.

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