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"I love how happy you look, I've never been so happy for someone else's happiness" Liv grins as I hang my apron up and get ready to head home.

"Is it really that big of a difference?" I scrunch my eyebrows and slide my coat on.

"You just seem so...you" Liv shrugs, a content smile on her face as she walks over to me.

"I love you like my own, V and for a long time you weren't you, not completely" she squeezes my shoulders and her words make my heart clench.

"Are you saying that he completes me because that is so cheesy, even for you" I joke and Liv playfully smacks my chest.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she rolls her eyes and I laugh on my way out, practically skipping to my car.

I do feel happier. I feel more me, as everyone keeps telling me. Tristan is a goddamn saint and as much as I love what I do, I can't deny that his extra hands have allowed me to relax some more. Be less uptight.

I admit that before I was always on edge, constantly worrying about my next move and what was next on my lists of tasks.

With everyone's help and Tristan being the angel that he is, I feel more...free.

When I make it to my car, I stop right before I can climb inside, my gaze meeting that familiar face I grew up knowing.

Cooper climbs out of his car across the parking lot, a girl in his passenger seat. I watch as he jogs over and opens the door for her, a polite smile on his face as he helps her out.

He can't tell if he likes her, I can tell though. He's trying hard and it's the way that she's all gooey eyed that makes me stifle a laugh. She's practically mush all because he opened her door and he's nervous as shit.

He just might like her.

Cooper let's her walk ahead of him and as if he senses my gaze, he pauses and turns his head, our eyes meeting.

I watch his face soften and my heart cries out how much I miss him. But I remain at my car, keeping my promise about giving him time and space as we silently appreciate each other.

I wave and mouth a soft greeting, earning one of those pretty boy smiles of his.

Cooper nods at me and it gives me a sliver of hope for us before he turns around and follows the girl inside.

I know the rest of the group sees him and it's totally fine considering everyone does a great job splitting their time with us both.

Doesn't matter. I'll get my best friend back one of these days, I can feel it.

My drive home was comforting and quick as usual and when I park in my usual spot, I'm eager to get inside and take a hot shower.

Once I make it to the front door, I barely have time to get my keys out before it swings open, startling me.

"Tristan?" I laugh at my boyfriend who's practically beaming at me from inside my apartment.

"He's been standing at the door for 20 minutes, he's like a cat" Hayden says from behind him.

"Hey kid, how was school?" I smile.

"Good! I aced my math test" he grins proudly and I high five him, Tristan still standing between us, pouting like a child.

"Do me a favor and take this to my room please?" I ask Hayden, handing him my bag and watch as he nods and leaves me to that eager boyfriend of mine.

"Well, hello" I grin and step closer to him, still standing outside of my own apartment, more than happy with being greeted this way.

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