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After my breakdown at my grandparents last night, grandpa made me promise to come back in a weeks time for dinner. With or without the men of our family, it was up to me if I wanted to invite them. I was leaning more towards just bringing Hayden and making it a younger siblings thing.

I still haven't made up my mind.

When I made it home, the apartment was practically sparkling with how clean it was and Jeremy had left me a plate of the chicken he'd made for dinner.

I was grateful for it and tried sleeping after eating, not being all that successful.

It was my first day back at work since taking the last few days off and Liv didn't even try to hide the pity eyes.

"How you doing, babe?" She asks as soon as I join her behind the counter.

"Never better" I deadpan and that earns me a glare.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep much" I frown, the guilt settling in my chest as soon as I said the words.

"You mean the bags under your eyes aren't what you were going for?" She quirks an eyebrow and I let out a snort.

"I deserved that and that was good" I nod, helping clean up and organize the shop.

"I didn't plan to be gone that long, I'm s-"

"Apologize to me one more time and I'll make you take an entire month of vacation" the older blonde cuts me off and I snap my mouth shut.

"You push yourself too hard, I don't know who has to be the one to tell you that for you to realize it" Liv sighs, giving my arm a comforting squeeze.

I'm not sure how many more people can tell me that before I tell them that I can't help it.

Liv disappears to the back and I try to drag myself out of the slump I've been in, getting back to my normal routine, or close to normal as I can get.

I set up the counter the way I normally do, get some cleaning done to clear my mind and when I'm waiting for a customer, I feel a little bit better already.

The familiar chime of the entrance bells snags my attention and it's as if all sense of normality and comfort has plummeted six feet under me.

Those baby blues meet my gaze with determination and my heart speeds up at the sight of him. I soak up as much of him as I can before masking my obvious desire to beg him to hold me.

God, he looks so good.

"Welcome to Liv's" I will my voice to come out normal and I'm so blinded by his presence that I'm not sure if that's what happened.

"What can I get you?" I ask even though I know what he wants. I know it the way I know my own order and it's because it's the same goddamn order.

My chest tightens at the sight of his smirk.

No one should look that good just standing there, it's so unfair.

He knows I'm putting on a little act and he's up for the challenge. He's always up for the challenge.

"The usual, please" his voice makes my skin all warm and all I can manage is a nod before I'm spinning around to make his drink.

I feel his stare burn through me the entire time I make his order and it makes me all hot and bothered. It also makes me feel safe, like he's trying to tell me that he won't leave if I don't want him to and yet, I know he would if I asked him to.

When I finish his drink, I place the lid on and have to prepare myself before I face him again. I'm not sure if I'm being a coward or if I just want him to stay a little longer.

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