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I've managed to avoid Tristan for an entirety of two whole days after the heart wrenching conclusion I'd come to when I last saw him.

I was currently at Liv's, to no one's surprise, planning out my week, working around anymore surprises that may occur, whatever they may be.

"Hey!" Maya beamed making me jump and earn a laugh as she slid into the seat across from me.

"So, if any of the boys ask, we don't know how that roll of fabric made it into Coopers room" she grinned and I just rolled my eyes.

"Ah yes, because he'd never suspect the fashion obsessed friend we all share" I nodded and she just glared.

I scanned my planner again, placing the pen between my teeth, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. My head wasn't on right and my money was on that it was because of a certain dark haired boy.

"Talk to me" Maya demanded and I met her eyes as she searched my every movement for some kind of answer. Nothing gets past her, ever.

"You've got that stressed out, crisis look and bills aren't due for another few weeks so, what's up?" She pointed her chin at me and leaned over the table, resting her arms in front of her.

"I..." I didn't know what to tell her, there was a point in time where I would've told her everything without a millisecond of hesitation. Now...now I wasn't sure because this was something I'd never thought I'd have trouble with because I didn't think it would happen to someone like me.

It's Maya. If there were anyone to talk about it with, it'd be her.

Acknowledging the voice for once, I stared at my best friend in front of me and swallowed.

"I've found myself...in a dilemma of some sorts" I said and she just scanned my features.

"Tristan related dilemma?" She asked and I looked around the shop as if it had ears everywhere before nodding.

"Did he try something? I knew it. That prick is g-"

"No, Maya...no, he didn't do anything" I sighed and leaned back into my seat, staring out of the window, a bit irritated that her mind jumped immediately to Tristan being this villain they all paint him to be.

Every memory flooded my head, that damn dimpled grin practically plastered on every corner of my mind making the light smile on my lips inevitable.

"No fucking way" Mayas voice snapped me from my gaze in the streets and meet her widened eyes as it had now clicked for her in that moment.

"You...do you really..." she couldn't even finish the question before I gathered every moment spent together and gave her shrug.

"I think...this is the most sure I've been in a really long time...about something like this" I nodded, my mouth suddenly going dry.

"What about Evan from 8th grade?" She smirked.

"We don't speak of Evan, it's too heart breaking" I joked earning a light laugh from the both of us.

"If it's because of us Vange, you sh-"

"It's more than that, it will always be more than that. I just..." I had no thought after that.

I wasn't sure if it was or wasn't because of my brother and friends, a large part of it was, I'm sure. Beyond that, something else held me back from addressing the matter and I was more worried about losing what little I had with him than anything.

It was all so new to me, I couldn't stay focused on one thought at a time.

"Vangie!" a voice beamed making Maya and I look up to the two familiar figures making their way to us. Maya concentrating on trying not to look so shocked.

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