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"I know it's your only day off but-"

"Maya, it's fine, I love helping out your mom and what else am I going to do?" I laughed as I followed Maya around the mall.

"I just feel bad, you get one day off a week and here I am asking if you'll help my mom" she sighed.

"We all know I'd prefer working and making money over sitting around and being sad about the next months rent" I smirked and looked through a rack of clothes I know I won't buy.

"Didn't you already do that last week? Never mind...anyways, I know my mother will praise you enough then, but thanks, you are my favorite best friend" Maya grinned.

I rolled my eyes with a laugh and wandered around, watching Mayas movements.

I scanned her features while she took a look at almost everything she touched. I'm not sure what bothered me more, the fact that she hasn't brought up what she really thinks about Tristan or that I was completely without a plan and totally on my own.

You did tell them to leave you to it...

Not now...please.

I'm just admitting everything you won't.

I should get this checked out, it can't be a sane thing to argue with your inner voice.

"Maya" I blurted, without a plan on how to bring any of my thoughts up to a proper conversation.

"What's up?" She lifted her head to look at me and it was almost immediately that she knew something was wrong.

"V?" She called and I let out a sigh.

"I know...I said-"

"Oh my god are we going to talk about it? Can we please talk about it? I have so much to say an- sorry, go on..." she cut me off with a mini freak out and I let out a breath of relief.

"Jeez, I thought I'd completely lost you! It was freaking me out more that you weren't freaking out" I confessed and she let out a breath.

"V, you said you had it handled so I did my best to-"

"No, I know, a-and I do have it handled but that doesn't mean I don't want to talk about it! Maya I'm desperate!" I rambled and the grin on her face just grew and grew.

"I am so happy to hear that, come on, time for lunch and don't leave out a single detail!" She beamed, linking her arm with mine and dragging me out of the store, towards the food court.

Time flew and I'd told every last detail to Maya, right down to last nights short encounter at Rampage. She didn't interrupt, she just listened and waited for me to finish while she processed everything.

"It's just the strangest thing Maya, before, it was pure coincidence and even now it still kind of is. Not as often because now, I'm sure he does it to annoy me but before...I couldn't escape him even if I wanted to" I finished and Maya looked both fascinated and worried.

"Had it been any other man...I would've found this all very exciting. But I already told you how I felt about Tristan and I stand by that, no matter how different it comes off towards you" Maya sighed, eating the last bit of her fries.

"I know...what do you mean different?" I asked, surprised at the idea that his actions differed towards me compared to how he acts around other women.

I never took it into consideration that I'd be the only one, it agitated me the most that I just assumed it was how he was towards every girl.

"Part of why I left you alone about it is because, from what I've seen so far, he's not using his typical 'I seduce women for a living' routine. He just seems like...a normal person, no bullshit or corny lines. Then a part of me worried because it wasn't his normal game, it could all be some new, sick way for him to get what every guy usually wants" she ranted.

"Sick huh?" I joked and she waved a hand.

"You know what I mean, I've had my fair share in coming across men like Tristan and if it isn't one game, there's always a back up one. But I don't know...sometimes he does seem genuine" she admitted and I just leaned back in my chair.

So it wasn't just me.

"Well I'm glad that cleared things up" I muttered sarcastically, unsatisfied with our conversation. I was hoping she'd talk some sense into me but all this has proven was that she's gathered just as much as I have.

"All I can say is, be careful and I guess keep handling it the way you've been...so far there's been no problems and you seem okay. He's not harassing you in a way that could harm you, not that the dumb-dumb trio would let that happen, but you know...he seems to be the type that will get bored and eventually leave" Maya explained and I gave her a soft smile.

That's just the thing Maya, I'm so deep in my own curiosity that I'm not so sure I want this whole thing to be over just yet.

I had to admit to myself and myself only, amongst other things, that, even surrounded by the wall built with my usual chaos, Tristan's managed to dig himself a hole right through it.

"Yeah...yeah maybe" I told her and she gathered our trash, walking it towards the nearest trash can and leaving me with my drowning thoughts.

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