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"Vangie, I cannot thank you enough! You are a life saver!" Ava praised, pulling me in for a hug.

"You know I'm always willing to help out... and scrounging up whatever it is you're cooking" I grinned, squeezing her back.

"I'm sorry I stole your day off" she sighed, pulling away to take my hands in hers and slipping me a wad of cash, much more than I expected. My eyes widened as I looked up at her.

"I don't want to hear anything about it" She pointed before I could even make a sound.


"What did I just say?" She glared, resembling her sister, and I shut my mouth quickly.

"You deserve this, hell the way you work, you deserve my paycheck. Thank you again Vangie. Now, could you please go help that poor daughter of mine load the van while I double check the kitchens" she smiled.

I sighed, sliding the money into my pocket and meeting Maya outside at one of the catering vans. She stood at the back looking very confused and I just shook my head.

"How does she fit everything in here?" She scoffed when I appeared beside her. I rolled my eyes and started rearranging things before grabbing the last few things Maya couldn't find a place for and slipping them in neatly.

"Yeah, whatever" Maya rolled her eyes and shut the van doors.

The both of us leaned against the van and looked up at the night sky.

"When were you going to tell me this event was held by Tristans family?" I asked, my eyes staying on the stars. From my peripheral I could see her head turn and look at me.

"I- y- to be honest, I didn't think you'd actually run into him...you ran into him?" She stuttered and I just chuckled.

"Met his brother too" I shrugged.

"V, I'm sorry, I was nervous as is because his mom is basically my idol and I was excited an-"

"It's okay...what are you apologizing for?" I smiled, meeting my best friends eyes.

It was a genuine question. What could she possibly be apologizing for? Did I make it seem like it was something to be sorry about? I thought our conversation at the mall was to get everything out of our systems, not create more eggshells.

"I...I don't know" she admitted and we both looked back up at the sky.

"Alright! You ready Maya?" Ava beamed as soon as she approached us.

"Yeah, you okay to get home V?" Maya asked me, both of them looking at me all concerned and whatnot.

"Yeah, I parked up front so I'll just cut through the building" I smiled, giving Ava another hug. Maya pulled me in for one, squeezing me extra tight and pulling away to give me those sympathetic eyes.

"Let me know when you're home...please" she pleaded and I just laughed.

"Okay mom" I joked making her roll her eyes.

"Get home safe you two, I'll see you tomorrow Maya" I waved and watched them climb in the van and peel off.

I cut through the building quickly, standing outside and rummaging through my bag for my keys. I began walking passed the neatly trimmed hedges that surrounded the front of the building before I nearly tripped over something.

When I looked down, I saw a pair of legs sticking out from under the bushes gasping at the sight. I looked around the parking lot to see it was practically empty aside from the few stranded cars. Looking back down, I had to assume, by the look of the pants, it was a guest from the event. My mind swirled with every worst possible scenario as I stood here at the foot of this persons...feet...outside of a building that was just filled with a bunch of rich people.

Did I just stumble across a dead body? I'll never be able to live with myself if I just walked away. Should I call the police? Would I be considered a suspect having stumbled across the body? Who'd kill a person and hide them in a bush? It's just not strategical at all...

I jumped when the person wiggled their foot and a giggle emitted from the bushes. Holy shit they're alive.

They're alive! Now, you can just walk away Vange! Go!

"Fuck" I mumbled and crouched down, moving some of the bush out of the way for a better view, completely ignoring the little voice.

"E-excuse me...are you alright?" I called, his head popping up with the widest grin on his face.

My eyes widened at the sight "Tristan?!" I gasped, his eyes looking like glass and his cheeks burning red.

"Evangeline! You found me" He hiccuped, sitting up and giggling like a little boy. He was drunk. Not drunk like at the bar, he was absolutely plastered. At Rampage he was content, having a good time and able to hold conversation. Now, he was more childlike, unable to hide the giggles and slurred words.

"T! T where are you?!" A voice called from across the parking lot and when I looked up, I could see Henry stumbling around calling out for his brother.

Behind him was a well dressed man trying to keep up and tame him before he fell over.

"He's over h- ow!" I yelped when Tristan grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me into the bushes with him. Before I could say anything else, Tristans hand covered my mouth and he tucked his legs under the bushes again so we were completely hidden.

I tried protesting but it was no use, even in this drunken state, his strength got the best of me. He peeked out to the parking lot and watched his brother and that other man continue to walk around.

"I'm sure he's already home sir, let's go find you a bed" that man told Henry who stopped and let out a sigh.

"A separate hotel from mothers please" Henry gave up, throwing an arm around the other man.

"And enough with the 'sir' Andy" Henry hiccuped as they disappeared.

"That was close" Tristan giggled, finally letting me free.

I glared up at him but had to take in my surroundings and recollect my thoughts. I'm completely thrown for a loop this time considering I was currently crouched down in a bush with Tristan Fuller.

"Tristan! Why did you do that?!" I hissed, letting out a deep breath and searching his eyes.

"I'd much rather enjoy the comfort of my own apartment than be wherever it is Andrew is taking Henry!" He slurred, patting his clothes as if he were looking for something.

"This is a good hiding spot huh?" He grinned, taking a break from looking around and leaning forward, our faces inches apart. I gulped at the sight, his glossy blue eyes burned into mine and the brightness of his cheeks also stared me in the face. His usually styled hair was falling into its natural waves and the tie he wore was loosely hanging around his neck.

I couldn't hide my smile, it was such a different side. It was his playful side on full blast and his vulnerability on display, which I've never been able to see.

"Aha!" He grinned, pulling his keys out of his pocket. "Home it is!" He snickered and without hesitation, I snatched the keys from his hands making him pout like a child.

"I'll take you home" I sighed, hiding his keys in my bag and looking back up at him. He wouldn't be dumb enough to drive in this condition right?

"How did you get so wasted? You were fine when I last saw you?" I chuckled and climbed out of the bushes? Dusting myself off the best I could.

"Henry made up some game...I lost" he answered, peeking his head out and scanning the parking lot again.

"Coast is clear, let's go" I rolled my eyes with a light smile, helping him up and supporting him the best I could. He nearly fell over the second he was on his feet but I successfully supported him by the waist, using all of my strength to hold his giant frame.

"Jeez, have you always been this tall?" I grumbled and led him to my car. It took a while but I finally got him in the passenger side, buckled in safely and with a bottle of water I had in the car.

"Okay..." I huffed when I climbed into the drivers seat and looked over at Tristan who was drunkenly tracing patterns on the roof of my car.

"Where do you live?" I asked and he turned to look at me, a cheeky grin on his face.

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