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"Vangie, baby, you have to go"


"Vange, hang on okay?"

I will, daddy...

"We love you, Evangeline"


I jolt up to someone gripping my forearm and shaking me awake. When I meet Hayden's gaze, he looks terrified.

Much healthier than yesterday, but scared out of his mind.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I sit up and pull him close.

"You're crying" he says before brushing a knuckle under my eye to show me the tears.

"I'm sorry kid...had a bad dream" I frown, hating that it was him to pull me from the nightmare. Hayden wastes no time in wrapping his arms around my middle and squeezing tight. I take the opportunity to wipe the remaining tears on my face and squeeze him back.

"How are you feeling?" I sigh, kissing the top of his head and combing through his chestnut hair.

"Way better, practically healthy" he shrugs against me and earns himself a laugh.

"Oh, I'm sure" I roll my eyes, hearing the slight stuffiness in his voice.

"Well you broke your fever so, your recovery should be smooth sailing from here on" I try to sound as if I wasn't all that worried but the kid knows me best and snorts.

"Are you mad at Luke?" Hayden suddenly asks, his voice soft as if he were afraid to bring up anything regarding last nights chaos.

Memories of last night flood my mind and I suddenly have a raging headache.

"I am...frustrated with your brother" I word carefully.

"And the others?"

"Also frustrated" I huff.


"Yeah, kid?"

"I'm thankful for you" my little brother has decided to wake up today and pick up the pieces of my heart himself.

"How much did you hear?"

"Everything" he whispers and I almost burst into tears, again.

I'm like a dam at this point, they're nonstop.

"I'll get over it, they'll get over it" I try to be nonchalant. The last thing I ever want is for Hayden to feel like he is doing something wrong in a situation that doesn't even include him.

"Will we still be able to hang out with Tristan?"

My heart clenches and I give him another squeeze, probably more for myself than him.

"Um...I don't think so, babe" I admit doing my best to not let my voice waver.

Then, we're silent.

"You hungry?" Hayden answers with a nod and I'm peeling him off of me squishing his cheeks and placing a sloppy kiss on his forehead.

"What do you want?" I plaster on a grin when he lets out a giggle.


"Waffles it is. Don't move, you still sound all gross" I point a finger at him, climbing out of my bed. Hayden sticks his tongue out and I shake my head with a laugh, rushing to the bathroom to do a quick morning routine.

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