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      After the weekend flew by, Rampage was the last I saw of Tristan, lifting a little bit of the stress off of my shoulders.

I worked my shift at Liv's, uncle Jeremy picked Hayden up from school and I finally felt like my routine was starting to get back to normal again.

Now, I running around the college campus because Maya and Thomas need help on some paper, which only means they haven't even started it.

I slid my phone out of my pocket to call Maya because I genuinely had no idea where I was and they weren't very specific.

"You almost here?" She asked as soon as she picked up and I just chuckled.

"I hope you're all aware that I will not be writing these papers for you, I'm simply the editor" I told her and immediately knew she was rolling her eyes on the other end.

"What do you take us for V? We wouldn't all make you write our papers" she scoffed and I just remained silent.

"Okay, we wouldn't all at once, we'd definitely space it out" she clarified making me laugh.

Not paying attention to where I was going, I managed to crash into someone who was clearly more aware than I was because they caught me around the waist.

This is seeming to be a bad habit I'm picking up.

"Ow" I groaned.

"V? What happened? Are you okay?" Mayas voice called out faintly.

"Oh, now this is just desperate" the person laughed.

Oh god...please no.

I looked up, meeting those baby blues and that one dimple that was now mocking me, up close and personal.

I shoved him off of me and readjusted my bag on my shoulder, bringing my phone back to up my ear.

"I'm on my way" was all I said and hung up, ignoring Mayas protests on the other end.

Tristan smirked down at me, as he usually does when we have these unfortunate meet ups.

"Just when I thought I got rid of you" I muttered and pushed passed him to continue my hopeless search for my friends.

That obviously didn't stop him because at this point, what could?

He jogged to catch up, appearing beside me, trying to match my pace the more I sped up. I could just feel his eyes burning into the side of my head, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"Do you even go here? I feel like I would've remembered if you did" he asked and I decided to follow through with my 'ignore him and he'll go away' plan.

"Come on, you can't ignore me every time we do this crazy drink lady, it's one too many coincidences at this point" he sighed, nudging my arm a bit making me snap my head in his direction to shoot him a glare.

"Are you looking for someone? You look lost" he grinned.

Don't cave...he'll eventually get bored...

"Perhaps, a Maya Anderson? She's quite gorgeous that Maya, would you put in a good word for me when you find her?" He asked and I stopped in my tracks.

He took the opportunity to step in front of me, the both of us face to face in the middle of this giant...courtyard? Whatever this area was, it's almost as if we were right in the center of it.

"Ooh, that one got your attention" he smirked.

"Does everything that comes out of your mouth have to be so disgusting?" I spat, folding my arms.

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