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      I stood in the middle of the hall my mother has rented out for the night for another one of her ridiculous events. Only my mother would find an excuse to come all the way here for one of her little parties. I'm almost completely certain a part of this was to check on me and hover as my mother often does.

I spotted her and father across the way, fake laughing at something someone had just said and I rolled my eyes gulping the rest of my champagne, placing the empty glass on the nearest platter being held by a server.

What I'd give to be anywhere but here right now...

My mind trailed off to earlier when I was with Evangeline and I couldn't even fight the smile on my face.

Our meal was cut short when she had to rush and help Maya with something but I was satisfied regardless.

Quite the woman, that Evangeline...

"Don't you look happy to be here!" A familiar voice beamed as he gripped my shoulders. I spun around to face my brother and grinned, pulling him in for a hug.

"I could say the same about you, how's the travels?" I smirked, swiping another glass of champagne.

"Anywhere but home, so...great so far" he shrugged making me laugh and nod my head.

"How's school?" He asked me and I just looked around.

"Same old...same old" was all I said but I could tell he knew there was more to it.

"Boys, I'm so happy you both made it!" Our mothers voice filled our ears and we both spun to see her standing there with her tight lipped smile.

"Mother, beautiful party, as always" Henry smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

I did the same, praising her for her work on tonight's fashion show as well. Our mother could never really hide her pride when given compliments, even from her own children.

"I'm glad to hear, the effort I had to go through to have my own sons show up, it better have been a great show" she stated, a slight glare in her eyes making me fight the urge to roll mine. Instead I took a gulp of my drink and looked over at my brother.

"Beyond great, beautiful women, I absolutely loved the yellow piece you threw together....is she around?" Henry asked and I snorted, looking down at my feet.

If anyone knew how to push her buttons, it was Henry.

"Leave my models alone Henry and Tristan, fix your tie, enjoy the party boys, I'll have Andrew give you details about dinner before we all separate again" she glared at Henry, her tone dropping to a rather bored one. Then she walked off and reconnected with father who spotted us and gave us a firm nod.

"That's got to be a new record for you" I smirked at Henry, finishing my champagne.

"No, I've definitely annoyed her faster then that, give me some credit little brother" he nudged me.

"Now, fix your tie and let's get a real drink at the big boy bar" he joked.

"Oh fuck off" I laughed, adjusting my tie anyway and placing my empty glass on another platter that walked by.

I followed behind Henry as he raced towards the bar before completely stopping in my tracks.

"Don't they serve any real food at these kinds of things?" An older man asked from a few feet away.

No...she's not here right now...is she?

"Not an hors d'oeuvres kind of man?" She smiled, earning a light one from him.

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