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    The weekend flew by after Thursdays events and, again, I was back to my usual schedule. My heart sunk, just a bit, at the fact that I haven't seen Tristan since that day either, not even at Rampage.

Lucas offered to take Hayden duty so I wouldn't have to rush back to town after my shift at Liv's. I think he's still trying to make up for what happened no matter how many times I've assured him we were really okay.

Jeremy's taking another late shift and the rest of my friends were all caught up with school or work. I've been told it's midterms and everyone's pretty much swamped which would also explain Tristans absence, now that I'm piecing thing together.

It's quite unfortunate because it's around midterms that my schedule is less chaotic. I'm not running around as often and it helps that I take care of as much as I can when I'm out doing one thing to make it easier on future me.

Hence the reason that after my shift at Liv's, I couldn't bare to sit in the silence of our empty apartment considering I had another one of those dreams. They seem to grow more vivid as the days pass by.

It feels like I'm getting less and less sleep no matter how much weight I lift off of my own shoulders.

Instead, I've decided to pick a beautiful spot on the college campus to sit and read. It seemed empty enough, probably because of midterms, so I took full advantage of the scenery.

I took advantage that it was near by and I blended in quite well. I even sent myself into one of my famous spirals of what life would have been like had I decided to attend. I thought about what I'd major in and what it would've been like to live in a cramped dorm with Maya, just the two of us in a brick building, sharing a community bathroom with twenty other people.

It seemed ridiculous really...almost as ridiculous as the thought that maybe I might have missed out on the whole experience.

Dragged out of my head and the thickening plot of the romance novel in my hand, my phone started ringing.

Confused on who it might be considering everyone I talked to was currently occupied, I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered, worried an emergency might've come up.

"Evangeline Carter, you are the last person I would think of to not have a lock on your phone. Isn't that a bit unsafe?" His voice filled my ear and I had to straighten my posture at the sound.

"Considering you're calling me, I'm sure it is" I chuckled, pulling the phone away for a brief moment to read the ID.

The bestest friend in the whole world.

I stifled a laugh as the name rolled across the screen because of how long it was and brought the phone back. He must have put his number in that day I slept at his place, the thought bringing warmth to my cheeks.

"What person in this day and age doesn't lock their phone?" He asked, as if it were the most absurd thing.

"The kind who doesn't have much use for one anyway" I answered, laying my book in my lap and fiddling with the corner of the pages.

"I didn't think it was possible" he tsked on the other end and I raised my eyebrows in amusement.


"That you could get anymore lame, truly it should be a scientific study" he answered making me gasp.

"I'm hanging up" I threatened, hearing immediate protests on his end.

"Wait! I have a serious question!" He exclaimed and I could hear the grin in his voice.

"Nothing about you is serious" I sighed staring down at the words laid in my lap, suddenly unable to process them with his voice in my ear.

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