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1 Y E A R  L A T E R


"Son of a bitch" I hiss trying to grab all of the groceries I bought all on my own, my fingers going numb and my arms aching already.

When I manage to grab all of the bags, I grin proudly and kick the car door shut before turning around to head inside.

I let out a yelp but still manage to keep a hold on the various bags in my hand when I turn and find my very angry boyfriend standing there, staring at me like some disappointed father.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask, trying to catch my breath.

"Long enough to know my girlfriend doesn't know me at all and hasn't learned her lesson" he glares.


"Don't even" he cuts me off, marching over and relieving me of some of the grocery bags making me hide the little sigh of relief I want to let out so badly.

"I didn't want to make you ride all the way down the elevator and then all the way back up, I was doing you a favor! Save us both from multiple trips" I try to say with a sugary sweet smile.

"Shut up" he grumbles and I frown, following behind him into our lobby.

When we enter the elevator and the doors shut, I appear in front of his pouting face, smiling up at him and then raising myself up to meet his lips. He doesn't hesitate to melt into me, like he always does, and groan because he's frustrated.

Frustrated with me for winning and frustrated that the bags are restraining him from grabbing me. He loves touch that boyfriend of mine.

"You can't kiss me every time you mess up, Evangeline" he murmurs, pecking my lips again anyway.

Oof, first name, he's upset.

"And you can't get angry when I just want to do things on my own. How many times are we going to bicker about this?" I retort, spinning away from him just in time for the elevator doors to open.

We enter the apartment, set the groceries down on the counter and when our hands our free and sore, Tristan grabs my waist and hoists me up onto the island making me let out a surprised sound.

"Ask for help, baby, it will literally help me sleep at night" he sighs, resting his forehead against my shoulder.

You'd think after a year living together we'd learn to just let this whole thing go but we can't and he becomes a child about it every time.

"I do ask for help, does it have to be every single task I do?" I roll my eyes, my fingers combing his hair as he nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Asking me to get something off of the top shelf and carrying a million groceries are two completely different things" he sighs, his breath tickling my skin and making me laugh and squirm in his arms.

"Stop being such a child" I sigh, kissing the top of his head and attempting to slide off of the island.

"Let me just...hold you" he murmurs, his arms wrapping around me as he lets out a long sigh.

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