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"Where does this go?" Hayden screeches, lugging a large box full of my belongings. I let out a laugh and walk over, getting ready to pluck it from his arms before I'm bumped out of the way by the behemoth that is my uncle.

"I've got it" he grins and takes the box from his arms, stalking away into the living room of Tristans apartment.

Our apartment.

It's very strange to say that now.

It's been only a week and a half since he asked me and he, as well as the rest of my friends and family, insist that we get started now before I changed my mind.

I wouldn't have but I'm very excited to have started before I got nervous and prolonged the process.

I let out a huff and head out to grab another box from outside of the apartment before I'm intercepted, Lucas swooping down to grab two boxes while Tristan grabs the last two boxes.

I put my hands on my hips to glare at them both and Tristan swiftly leans down to peck my lips, walking away with a grin.

"I'm not dying or anything! I can move my own shit in!" I scoff, the three of them looking at me, Hayden snickering at my use of a swear word.

"Language Evangeline!" Jeremy scolds making me roll my eyes.

"I just want to do things normally, I don't need you manly men swooping in for every little thing! I can lift my own stuff, I can wash my own dish, I can carry my own groceries, I am not a child" I babble, the three of them staring at me with amusement in their eyes.

"Is this entertaining for you? The three of you treating me like I'm incapable?" I keep going and their cheeky little smirks only grow.

"You sure you want to live with her?" Hayden asks with a quirked eyebrow making my jaw drop.

Tristan stares at me the way he always does, with love and longing, a grin slowly forming on his face.

"Yup" he nods confidently and I feel my cheeks get warm.

"Sorry! Sorry we're late!" Maya suddenly appears, Vinny following close behind, his eyes widening at the sight having it be his first time here.

"Thank god! She's being so annoying" Lucas shakes his head.

"Oh, you son of b- woah! Hey!" I'm cut off and lifted off of my feet, stopping me from severely hurting my twin brother who is hiding behind our uncle now.

"Let me go!" I squirm and grunt as whoever it is holding me begins to walk backwards, distancing my twin and I.

"Vincent" Tristans voice catches all of our attention, his gaze darkening at my good friend who I've now realized is the one holding me.

"Put my girlfriend down" he says calmly and yet with a scary amount of promise in his tone.

"I was just-"

"I don't want to have to kill one of her closest friends" my boyfriend cuts Vinny off who releases me immediately, making me beeline for my twin.

I groan in frustration because Tristan is much faster than me and he scoops me up with one arm, holding me flush against him as he walks me towards the front door to where Maya is grinning wide, her amusement bright and obvious on her face as she leans against the doorway.

"You are all the worst!" I call out, my friends and family completely unfazed by my outburst while Tristan sets me back on my feet, next to Maya who's grinning at me, buzzing with excitement.

"It's a girls day! Leave the men too their fragile egos while we spend your boyfriends credit card!" She squeals and my jaw drops.

"Maya! We are not usi-"

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