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I feel the brightness shining in my face. It makes me attempt to squeeze my eyes shut tighter than they already are but my body is now up and I can't even complain about it.

That was probably the best sleep I've had in years.

Peeling my eyes open, I allow them to adjust to the light and take in my surroundings. I try to shift and turn around but don't get very far when I feel a weight draped over my stomach.

When I realize it's an arm, flashes of last night fill my mind and my entire body gets warm.

I haven't had a man touch me like that in...well no man can really compare to Tristan now, can they?

Ignoring the ache in my legs, I shift my body anyway, careful not to wake the sleeping man beside me.

We're in his living room, laying on mountains of blankets and pillows and we were only 20 minutes into the first movie before Tristan had fallen asleep.

I found it adorable and found out that he's also a cuddler.

As if the bastard couldn't get any cuter.

My eyes roam over his sleeping face, soft snores flying from his mouth and his bare upper body glistening in the morning sun.

Goddamn him and his model like existence.

I reach up and begin gently tracing his features with my fingers, not just to feel him and enjoy him but to make sure he's really there. He didn't seem real sometimes. Like a dream of mine brought to life in the form of him.

When my thumb traces the seam of his lips, he startles me by placing a kiss on the tip and I let out a small gasp.

"You're up" I frown, caught in the act of creepy staring and touching.

"Yes, why are you?" Tristan asks, his morning voice doing wicked things to my mind.

"That was the most sleep I've had in...a really long time" I admit without meaning too. It catches his attention, those baby blues finally peeling open, confusion and disbelief filling them.

I watch as he reaches for his phone, glancing at the time and staring at me with more disbelief.

"Baby, it's 8am"


That baby should not feel so good coming from his mouth and addressing me, but I revel in it. I drown in the sound hoping he never gets tired of calling me that. It did crazy, crazy things to my heart, that baby. And other parts of my body but we'll not focus on that too much.

"What time did you fall asleep?" He asks.

"I don't remember, 3, maybe 4?" I shrug and Tristan groans, shifting so that I'm laying on my back and he's laying on top of me, nuzzling his face into my chest.

"Go back to sleep" he grumbles, shutting his eyes again.

I smile and, out of habit, slide my fingers into his hair to massage his scalp.

"Keep doing that" he moans.

"Which is it? This or sleep?" I laugh.


I roll my eyes and continue to run my fingers through his messy hair, enjoying this moment way more than I should.

It's all too good to be true.

Reality seems to hit me out of no where because I instinctively try to look around for my phone without Tristan noticing.

I know I've failed miserably when he groans and lifts his head, staring up at me with narrowed eyes.

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