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Someone is knocking on my door.

It can't be Nathanial or my brother considering they barge in here like they don't have manners and possess keys.

I'm sat at my island with my laptop open and someone is knocking on my door.

I let it go because I simply just don't feel like speaking to anyone at the moment and I certainly am not expecting any guests.

This person has other plans because the knocking grows more aggressive and even more annoying.

"Fucks sake" I grit and hop down from my stool, marching to the front door and throwing it open.

I mask my surprise as quickly as it came and stare at the blonde who's face is full of guilt and regret.

"Maya" I nod once and she swallows.

She's nervous. Maya Anderson is nervous. What a sight.

"I asked Nate where you lived" she blurts and I raise my eyebrows in mock amusement.

"And the bastard told you. Traitor" I tease, earning a subtle smile.

"May I?" She gestures to my apartment and I step aside, allowing her in. I point to an empty stool to which she sits down in immediately, fiddling with her thumbs on top of my counter.

"Drink?" I offer, ignoring how strange this is for the both of us and let my curiosity settle instead.

"No, thanks" she shakes her head.

"What can I do for you?" I cock my head and decide to stand on the opposite side of the island, my palms resting on the counter top.

"I'm here to talk to you about Vangie" she confesses.

"Well I would hope so, any other reason might be inappropriate" I quirk an eyebrow and that earns me a glare.

"That's not funny" she snaps and I can't help the chuckle that escapes me.

"I'm not staying away from her Maya. I think you, of all the members of your little group, understand that the most" I tell her and take a step back so that my backside rests on the counter behind me.

"I'm not here to tell you to stay away from her" she grits and my interest is suddenly peaked.

Instead of responding, I fold my arms across my chest and wait for her explanation.

"Vangie's the best person I know and probably one of the best people on this planet" she starts.

"I agree" I shrug and don't miss the way her lips tip up in a quick smile before she hides it.

"You were right. We are shitty friends. We took- take, we take advantage of her whether we realize it or not and I'm not sure if it was your goal to make us aware of that, but it really fucked us all up" Maya rambles and tucks her hair behind her ears. A nervous tactic, I'm sure.

"I want to do something for her. Give her something she wants and for some godforsaken reason, she wants you" The blonde huffs as if it were the most difficult thing to say.


"I know it's probably your plan to woo her in that strange, charming way that you do regardless of what we say but I'm simply here to offer some assistance" she offers.

"I will handle the 3 morons and you do your thing, that is my offer" I thinks she's just about finished now.

Maya slouches in her seat and awaits my response while I just watch her carefully. I process what it is exactly she's telling me and then stare at her some more.

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