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Everyone's been acting weird.

Granted it's been a weird couple of weeks but today? Weird.

Lucas has been grunting and tense but still attempting to be extremely nice and helpful. Thomas is less tense but tense nonetheless, being all sweet to me and trying to help as much as he can too.

Cooper is trying to be as normal as he can but nothing stops me from noticing the gazes and the sound of my heart breaking for him.

Mayas been the complete opposite, practically buzzing with excitement and telling me that nothing's going on and that she loves me.

Just weird.

Right now, I'm currently cleaning up so I can clock out for the day, thankful to be heading home as the exhaustion creeps in.

The boys and Maya have been huddled in the booth, whispering, plotting and glancing my way for the last 10 minutes, not even realizing that I'm staring at them with confusion and annoyance.

When I'm clocked out and ready to go, I stalk towards the booth with folded my arms.

"The hell's going on?" I finally ask, my curiosity being my biggest traitor.

"Nothing" they all answer in unison.

Unison! Friggin' weirdos.

"You guys are being really weird, weirder than usual because you're all pretty weird anyway" I narrow my eyes.

"Aww" Thomas wipes a fake tear.

"We love you too, V" Lucas joins him in their theatrics making me roll my eyes.

Before I can snap back with a snarky comment, my skin grows warm and I glance around the shop in search of the source. I know he can see me. I can always feel his gaze before seeing him and it's always been the strangest thing. Then again, normal was out of the question the second I met him.

My gaze catches him standing outside in the parking lot, leaning against his car, those baby blues staring right at me.


He's waiting. Waiting for me.

"Vange" Mayas voice snaps me out of the trance and I'm staring back at my friends and twin brother.

"Yeah? Are you guys ready? I'm exhausted" I try to play it off like I don't feel the warmth of those baby blues but I'm certain there's no way I'm doing a good job.

"Go" Maya nods her head towards the window and I try to mask my surprise as quickly as it came.

"What ar-"

"We have no right. No right to tell you what to do and no right to tell you who to see" my best friend cuts me off, all of her regret and apologies screaming at me through her eyes.

I look at the other 3, who are clearly struggling to restrain themselves but nod their heads anyway.

"I don't want it to always be so...intense. I love you guys, I care about you guys, but I also care about Tristan and he deserves more than what I can give him" I tell them, wanting to save the man I care about from doom.

Because that's what we always were, doomed.

"You love him" Cooper surprises everyone with that claim, myself included.

Because it wasn't a question. He wasn't asking if I loved him, he was stating it and my chest suddenly feels lighter at the realization.

It's quiet for a beat and I take note of Mayas small smirk as she looks down at her lap.

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