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I'm pretty sure I broke every road law there is to break trying to make it to Liv's. I slid Tristans hoodie on over last nights clothes at a red light and had to ignore the flutter it gave me in my stomach when his scent filled my nose.

My mind was a complete mess with nothing but memories from this morning. Waking up in Tristans bed only made me realize he must've laid me there. Then for him to just...walk around shirtless while he has a guest over?!


Shaking the image from my head, I began mentally preparing for the chaos that awaited me at Liv's. I knew Maya would be there and then Cooper after his class. I don't know if I had the motivation to argue with any of them...I don't even know why I assumed that an argument is bound to happen.

If I would have just heard my phone.

I can't believe he did that, I can't believe Tristan would shut my phone off.

Best sleep you've had in ages.

Oh, shut up.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Maya exclaimed as soon as I rushed through the entrance, ignoring her worried eyes.

I really didn't feel like dealing with a freak out today.

"Luke said you didn't even go home last night, where did you go after the event?" She continued and I kept ignoring her, letting out a sigh.

"Is she her- Vangie! What the hell? I've been calling you all morning" Coopers voice suddenly filled the cafe and he rushed over to the counter, same worried look as Maya.

"Can you guys...just cool it...please" I begged, feeling completely defeated.

"Who's hoodie is that?" Maya changed the subject and I just hung my head with a sigh.

They're never going to leave it alone, not unless I give another bullshit explanation. Which I'm also growing quite tired of.

"Oh my god, can I get two seconds without all of the questions?! I'm here, aren't I?" I groaned, resting my face in my palms as I leaned over the counter.

"Woah..." Maya whistled and I looked up at the both of them again.

"I just...I just need a few minutes without the interrogation" I told them and could see the guilt take over in a matter of seconds making me feel just as guilty.

"I wasn't just out and about, like a lost puppy alright? I let Jeremy know I wasn't going to be home and Liv was obviously aware of my lateness. Only people losing their minds are the two of you" I explained, organizing the sloppy set up Liv must have done while I was gone.

Thomas and Lucas walked in, goofy grins on their faces, as usual, stopping when they were suddenly engulfed in the awkward tension.

"Woah, we missed something..." Thomas pointed out, nudging my brother who just nodded his head.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked, his serious voice taking over now.

"Who's sweater are you wearing?" He asked immediately after and I just scoffed.

"Luke..." Maya shook her head, almost like she was trying to warn him.

"Alright, whatever, you all want answers and I'm honestly exhausted- tired of trying to tiptoe like some sneaky kid around her parents. Nothing gets past you guys does it?" I chuckled and backed up, leaning on the counter behind me, letting my head fall back to stare up at the ceiling and let a breath out.

"No, V, we jus-"

"No, I want to know" Lucas shrugged and Cooper sighed, the four of them all staring at me.

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