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"Son of a bi-"

"You have quite the potty mouth you know that?" Tristan cut me off making me hiss and shoot a glare at him as he tried to drive in a hurry and still make legal decisions.

We weren't even an hour into wandering the city before I had completely rolled my ankle and couldn't walk anymore.

Not one of my finest moments but I really didn't see that last step at the bottom of the cement staircase. Of course, Tristan caught me before I hit the ground but my ankle was out for the count.

"Are you sure you don't want to stop at an emergency-"

"No, it isn't broken, just hurt and swelling" I cut him off, trying to ignore the throbbing pain.

Within minutes we were parked in the lot of his apartment and it was as if all of my attention shifted from the pain right over to Tristan.

"What are we doing here? You don't want to take me home?" I asked with pure confusion. I was sure that I'd ruined the day and he'd want to just leave me dwelling in pain on my own while he did...whatever it was that he did alone.

"You owe me an entire day Evangeline, you could've broken your leg and I would've sat in that hospital room for all seven hours of your surgery" he shrugged while he unbuckled his seat belt.

"Seven hours huh?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"It was a very bad break, you'll never walk the same again" he shook his head and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me.

Just as I leaned to open my door Tristan lightly smacked my hand making me pull back and gasp at him.

"Don't even think about it" he glared at me and quickly hopped out, jogging to my side of the car to open the door for me.

"Quite the drama queen you are, more than usual" I shook my head and before I knew, he was helping me out the car, relieving me of some of the pressure on my ankle.

Taking the elevator up four stories and earning a few looks from other residents made my face heat up in embarrassment.

I just couldn't believe I'd manage to injure myself before the day Tristan had planned out even started. I'd never felt so terrible.

Tristan walked me over to his couch, propping my left leg up onto one of the small accent pillows that he laid on his coffee table in front of me and rushed to the kitchen. I could hear him frantically running around, cabinets and his fridge opening and closing multiple times.

It was quite the entertainment, watching him squirm and worry for something as simple as a rolled ankle but I appreciated it nonetheless.

Gently placing the homemade ice pack on my ankle and handing me some painkillers and bottled water, he watched me, concern filling his eyes.

I downed the pills and felt the couch sink beside me as he sat down, guilt washing over me once again while he watched my every move.

"I'm really sorry" I apologized, the embarrassment now flooding every part of me.

"For what?" He asked and I just placed my face into my palms, hoping to disappear or sink into oblivion, wherever this expensive couch may take me.

"I didn't mean to ruin the day you had plan" I grumbled into my palms and could feel him shift in his seat while he let out a chuckle.

He lightly gripped my wrists, removing my hands from my face. With just the tips of his fingers, he tilted my head up by my chin. As usual, my face heated up at the sight of his assuring eyes and the light smile on his lips.

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