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    My heart dropped at the sight, her red puffy face rested in the palms of my hands and I couldn't bare to see this look in her eyes again.

"Evangeline" I tried again, her glossy eyes flickering between mine.

"N-nothing..." she mumbled and I just let out a sigh.

I could feel Liv and Maya burn holes into the sides of my head but I couldn't care less. I wanted to know why she was crying. I wanted to know how she looked so bright this morning and now, looks completely exhausted again in just a matter of hours.

I wanted to never see her this way again.

"Who's the liar now?" I stated, giving her a soft smile, earning myself one in return.

Letting out another sigh and removing my hands from her face, she sniffled and use the sleeve of my sweater she wore to wipe her nose.

I had to fight the urge to grin when I got a good look at her in it. It was huge and it was probably my newest favorite thing.

"Tristan...was it?" Liv asked and I looked over at her with a nod.

"I just gave Vangie the rest of the day off and my lovely niece here is going to help me run the shop today...if that matters at all" she beamed making the two girls snap their heads in her direction.

"Aunt Liv, I have to get ready with V for our shift later-"

"I can work the rest of the shift Liv, it's fine-"

"I think working would be a great distraction for her-"

"I'm fine now-"

"Stop" Liv said, in a voice so calm that even I went still for a second. The two shut snapped their mouths shut almost instantly and I watched the girls in amusement as they hung their heads in embarrassment.

"I know you have an entire wardrobe in that car Maya so you'll have no problem changing here and helping your poor old aunt with this extremely busy shop" she glared at Maya making us glance around at the deserted cafe.

"And I will not allow you to work the rest of your shift because I do not believe in child labor, now get the hell out or I'll fire you" she finished, pointing a finger at Evangeline.

"I'm 23" she mumbled but untied her apron anyway.

"That's what I said, a child, now..." she glared, shooing the both of us towards the exit.

"You wanna make up for her being late pretty boy? Keep her out of here until her shift on Monday" Liv pointed at me again and practically shoved us out the door.

"What about coffee?" Evangeline asked, pure concern in her eyes.

"There's a Starbucks up the road, goodbye Vangie" Liv rolled her eyes, heading back inside with a proud smirk.

"Cruel and torturous woman!" Evangeline glared at the woman through the window before turning to me, chuckling nervously and shoved her hands into the pocket of the hoodie, her cheeks glowing pink.

There she is.

I can tell she's still upset but she's smiling now and I took pride in the fact that it's with me.

"So, do you want to talk about it or completely ignore all feelings and go on an adventure?" I asked her, following her to her car.

"Tristan, you don't have to, really" she assured me, facing me when we approached the drivers side.

"I know, I just have nothing better to do so, you're my last resort" I smirked and she swatted my upper arm.

"Asshole" she rolled her eyes, leaning her back against her car and looking up at the sky.

"You're also stuck with me considering I still haven't picked up my car" I shrugged and leaned next to her, only I was on my side and looking down at her. She turned her head to look at me, confused, as she often does and it made me chuckle.

"I took a cab here, I wanted to make sure you weren't in trouble for being late" I explained and again, her cheeks glowed a bright red. Probably the brightest I've ever seen them.

"You didn't have t-"

"Evangeline, from now on, when I do things, know I'm doing them because I want to" I cut her off and she just let out a deep breath.

"I have some errands to run, I can take you to get your car-"

"After said errands? Great, let's go" I grinned, jogging over to the passenger side, watching her roll her eyes and climb into the drivers seat.

"They're really boring errands Tristan...like grocery shopping and picking Hayden up from school" she rambled, looking over at me as she clicked her seatbelt on.

"What times your shift?" I asked, ignoring her sad attempts at trying to get rid of me.

"10 pm" she answered, starting the car with a sigh.

"Perfect, let's grocery shop and take Hayden to the park" I smiled before mentally facepalming.

"You should actually rest before your shift, shouldn't you? I didn't even think you'd need a mental break before going to a second job, I'm sorr-"

"Tristan" Evangeline laughed making me look over at her.

"I think Hayden would love to go the park" she smiled and I leaned back, keeping my eyes on her while she just drove.

An extraordinary woman.

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