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mikey x reader

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mikey x reader

enjoy, lovebirds.

Mikey peeked into your living room, quiet and shy. He wanted to cuddle with you.

This weekend, Mikey was staying at your apartment and you both were relaxing most of the time. However, you decided to do some additional work on Sunday. You left Mikey in your bed while he napped, and this meant that he woke up alone. He was disappointed; he loved waking up to your face!

Right now, you were on the couch, your legs tucked to the side. A blanket was wrapped around your waist, a laptop on your thighs. This was your ordinary position for a workday. Working from home was an enchanting thing for you, but these situations made Mikey not like it so much.

Mikey slowly entered the room, softly mumbling, "Hi..."

Oh, your baby was still sleepy. Your eyes were drawn away from your laptop and you smiled.

"Hey, babe. Did you just wake up?" You asked.

He nodded and walked over to the couch. You opened one arm invitingly. Mikey slumped down and leaned into the crook of your arm, taking shelter under it. He tried not to shiver as you affectionately rubbed his shoulder; Mikey wanted you to get the idea that he was a little mad at you without him saying it.

"I'm getting some summaries done, then I'll make us something to eat, okay?" You said, already back to your laptop.

Mikey's browbones sunk down and his lip pouted. He paused a beat, then quietly huffed, "...hmph."

You unraveled your arm from Mikey's shoulder and resumed typing on your laptop. Mikey watched the screen. You made erroneous words appear on it that he'd never seen before. It was boring and formal. However, he still watched in order to get some form of entertainment. Your fingertips clacking at the board nearly threw Mikey off with his message. He got entranced with the sound. Just when his head was about to fall onto the keyboard, he jolted awake.

"Ah--!" He stiffly choked.

You stopped typing and looked at him. "Oh, baby, are you okay?"

At the sound of sympathy and care, Mikey melted all over again and swooned over you shoulder. But then he remembered once again that he was supposed to be upset. Mikey huffed deep in his throat. It disturbed you; your boyfriend never made such impertinent noises.

"Mikey? Is there something wrong?" You asked.

You could see one side of Mikey's face, so it was different to see a full expression, but you finally understood that he was upset.

"Mikey...are you mad at me?" You frowned.

He paused for a moment, his breath tight...then he let out a sigh that turned into a relieved groan. He smiled as he nuzzled in the crook of your neck.

"Oh, finally..." He whispered.

You were taken aback. "Er...huh?"

"I wanted you to see that I was mad 'cause I was afraid to say it," Mikey explained. "I didn't like that you left me this morning..."

His thumb rubbed your arm with an appreciative touch. You bit your lip with a frown.

"I'm sorry for leaving," You said.

"No, no, no, it's okay, it's fine," Mikey quickly assured in a bright voice. "I'll communicate like a normal turtle next time."

You both peered at each other like lovestruck fools, smiles wide and cheeks pink. Mikey was catching several looks at your lips. However, just before you could lean in, he moved.

"I think this needs to be shut..." Mikey cooed, shutting the laptop but keeping his eyes on you.

A coy giggle left your mouth. He kept going.

"And this," He continued, taking your hand and placing it on his cheek, "needs to be here."

His face was now incredibly close to yours. His teasy flirting was making you feel shy, so Mikey would be damned if didn't kiss you right now. He was courteous. Mikey pushed forward and gently kissed your lips. The feeling that was swelling inside him was what he longed for ever since he woke up today. Meanwhile, you were adorably surprised and flustered by this whole thing. To put it simply...your kisses fixed everything.

Mikey pulled away. His hand ran down the top of your hair down to your chin.

"I love you," He said.

"Ah, Mike..." You lightly laughed, your head dropping to hide your face.

"I mean it, baby!" Mikey joined in, lifting your head back up. He pecked the tip of your nose. "Thank you for your attention."

"No problem, I love you too, and I'm sorry for leaving you alone this morning," You cluttered together.

Mikey nestled back in the crook of your neck. "It's okay, I'll live."

You wrapped your arm around him once again, this time a little tighter. A stronger cuddle commenced; Mikey hugged your waist and fell to the crook of your arm, all snug and happy.

"You wanna cook some alfredo with me, baby?" You asked.

"Yes, ma'am," He playfully said, his voice squished against your body. "I could kiss you just for suggesting that."

You lightly bopped his head a few times to tell him to get up, and he did so.

"You can totally kiss me after we make it," You offered, standing up and offering your hand.

Mikey grinned up at you, taking your hand, "Hm...I'm sure I could sneak some extras in before then."

"Affection monster," You cooed as he stood up to you.

He simply replied with a soft kiss to your forehead; already starting those extra kisses.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now