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donnie x reader

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donnie x reader

enjoy, lovebirds

"(Y/NNNN)! You gotta come down here quick, something's really wrong with Donnie!" Mikey bawled over the phone.

You winced at the volume, then frowned in fright. Was Donnie hurt? Was he sick? A million things ran through your mind about what could have happened to that turtle as you nestled in your shoes and ran out into the city. Donnie was your partner in crime, your best friend, so if anything bad happened to him, you were going to kick his ass!

Wasting no time for the bars, you slid down the ladder leading into the main entrance of the lair. The boys, except Donnie, were already anxiously waiting for you.

"Guys? What's up? What's wrong? What happened to Don?" You rambled.

"He won't tell us!" Leo groaned, clearly frustrated. "He's locked us out of his lab and only talks to us through his dumb speaker outside of it."

Raph added, "He only said he'd open it for 'either Atomic Lass or (y/n) exclusively'. So, uh...we went with you."

You made a face before somberly looking up to his lab.

"Hm. Lemme see what's going on," You said, feeling determined enough to climb the ladder up directly to his lab.

The boys watched, frowning and still aghast as to why he'd only open the lab for you. Donnie was their brother, after all. You shortly arrived at the lab's circular door. The techy and horizontally-parting door was locked shut. You took a deep breath, then knocked hard on the steel approximately three times.

A beep sounded from the doorbell, then a grainy, nerdy voice came through. "If you're not those of whom I've requested, go away!"

You held a button on the doorbell and spoke. "Don, it's me."

There was a long pause. Before you could lift a finger to talk through the doorbell again, the door let off a short steam hiss and it opened. Suddenly, you were yanked in by your arm.

"Ah!" You yelled out, the door closing once you were inside.

The lab looked usual; dimly lit with purple LEDs and random gadgetry, cabinets, display cases, and work desks everywhere. His main computers were on and working fine. Everything in Donnie's lab looked normal except...well, Donnie.

Looking ahead, you noticed Donnie staring at you with tired, half-lidded eyes. It seemed like he was having trouble with simply focusing on you. Deep, pronounced circles were under his eyes, and you could see little minuscule capillaries in his pinkish eyes.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now