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anti-hero raph x reader

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anti-hero raph x reader

disclaimer : graphic description of blood, panic attack, and weeping


You had just woken up, feeling so unnaturally tired.

There was absolutely no way it was morning. Your circadian rhythm was disagreeing with this notion, as well your level of consciousness. You were half-asleep, aware enough that you remembered your environment. You were sleeping with your boyfriend, Raphael, in his hanging bed. His strong arm was nestled around your body, successfully spooning you against his chest.

Your eyes opened halfway, sleepily viewing Raphael's arm over you. Then, you peered over it to look at the digital alarm clock across the room. It was...4:32 AM. A scowl spread across your lips as you realized your sleep schedule had indeed been dismantled. It was going to take forever to realign now. Annoyed and still tired, you faceplanted into the mattress to get some sleep back.

You waited. Your eyes closed, you impatiently stalled for your consciousness to finally slip.
Time kept passing, you could sense it, but sleep wasn't coming. You curled up a bit, desperately trying to get into a comfortable position that possibly could help. The attempt was in vain, though, as you continued to just wait in the dark. Ugh! This was useless. Your sleep schedule was officially confirmed as lopsided.

Just then, your eyes cracked open at a sudden sensation.

It was a flow.
It was sticky.
It was warm.
It...oh no.

Time stood still for a moment as you tried to see if your feeling was correct. There was no way you were on your period right now, right? The last one you had was at the start of the month. What was the date today? You thought hard about if it was the end of the month, all just for your thoughts to be interrupted by another feeling of blood streaming.


You looked over at Raph to see him still sound asleep. All the while cringing, you gingerly lifted his arm off your body and slowly climbed out of his bed. Your feet touched the cold, concrete floor and sent horrific chills down your entire body. Worriedly, you looked upon the hanging wall bed's mattress, right where you slept. There was a heavy stain of blood, about the size of your palm, on Raphael's sheets. Your mouth hung open, your eyes filling with tears. This newfound version of embarrassment quickly proved itself as unbearable. There was nothing you could think of to do but just cry.

Just as it couldn't get any worse, Raphael noticed there was no longer warmth against him and he started to stir awake. Absolute panic started to set in at once. Multiple tears shed from your eyes so fast it nearly startled you, and hyperventilation kicked in. All at once, the room felt like it started melting and there was no escape for you. You hid your eyes and just started sobbing.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now