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mikey x reader

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mikey x reader


"Hold on, baby! Cotton candy first, then ferris wheel," Mikey said, squeezing your hand that was in his.

You cooed with disappointment, but followed Mikey to the cotton candy stand anyway. There was a medium-sized line. Mikey didn't seem to mind considering his love for sweets, so you decided it was nothing to fuss over either.

"Soooo..." Mikey said, softly nudging your arm. "How's the date so far, sunshine?"

"Very, very good, I'll give you 5 stars," You smiled brightly. "And I'm glad you made me ride that upside down ride."

"I'm glad you had fun!" Mikey said. "I almost went deaf b'cause of your sound barrier breaking screams, but hey! It's great that you got out of your comfort zone, huh?"

You giggled in response to his tease and leaned on his shoulder for a second. He laughed along with you, pecking the top of your head when you leaned in.

"Don't be a meanie," You said as you pulled back.

"Sorry, angel," Mikey chuckled, "I'll make it up to you by paying in full."

"Nooo, we agreed on half and half on everything before we came here!" You mentioned.

The corners of his lips tugged down and his browbones rose in agreement. "True, true, okay..."

There was a brief period of silence as you waited. Mikey shuffled his feet, gazed at the amusement park's rides in the distance, and sometimes rubbed his thumb against your hand. He was comfortable just standing around when he was with you. Now, if you weren't here, Mikey's patience would be dropping just as much as his blood sugar, but you just turned that off for him. Soon, Mikey felt you hug his arm. He smiled at the soft sensation; his heart instantly fluttered. His instincts to go ham on cuddles was so hard to ignore, yet he persisted. He looked down at you. He could only see the top of your head, so he used it to peck a kiss. Despite his expectations, though, you didn't reply with anything lovey-dovey.

You wasted no time in nervously revealing, "Mike, my ex is at the counter..."

Mikey's browbones furrowed tightly with concern. He leaned to the side and glanced at the head of the line, protective and ready for...well, whatever action could happen in a cotton candy line. There was no way this ex-man was going to ruin his baby's mood!

After that brave thought, however, Mikey froze. He felt the blood in his face drain as he witnessed the man purchasing cotton candy at the counter. He was gigantic. This man's biceps were the size of Mikey's head! Mikey readjusted his posture in the line, his lips pursed in shock. He had no idea what your ex looked like until now. Not even his creative imagination could have guessed he'd look like that.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now