💙🐢 | cruisin'

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leo x reader


"Just one lemon-lime, please," You smiled.

The bartender nodded with a smile in return and quickly fled off to the drink machine.

You were on a massive cruise ship in the Harbor, down below deck in a fancy bar. You weren't allowed to get alcoholic drinks, since you weren't of legal age yet, but a lemon-lime ale was always a treat. This cruise was certainly a treat, as well. You boarded this ship with your friends to celebrate the ending of finals. You all had split up, though, so you were alone with strangers in this bar.

"Here you go, ma'am. Anything else?" The bartender kindly asked.

"No, sir. Thank you," You said, taking your drink and leaving the bar.

You went on deck, sipping in your drink. One there, smooth music and noisy people rang through your ears. You looked around. Bright yet soft lights lit up the luxurious ship, and people of all ages and sizes wore their according dress codes. Casual, professional, those weird stereotypical tourists wearing islander shirts. It was a fantasy.

Mingling your way through the crowds, you went to the edge of the starboard. The very edge, where no other people were at the time. Thin beams of steel and glass created a balcony for the ship's passengers, securing them from not falling off. You slowly ambled to the edge, leaning on the beams. You looked at the view in front of you. New York was in the distance, still illuminating proudly in the dead of night. You looked up. It was easier to see the stars and constellations when you were this far from the city. Your eyes then cast down to the beautiful, dark sea. All of a sudden, you spewed out your drink in surprise.

Your hands clung to the beams as you leaned over the railing. Your boyfriend, Leo, was hanging onto the ship with a wide guilty smile, his odachi sword clenched in his teeth.

"Uhhh...hey," He awkwardly grinned, "You look niceth."

"Leo, what the hell are you doing here?!" You whispered loudly.

"Theeing my beautiful girlfriend, but of courth!"

"Put your sword away, you goofball!"

"I thee you don't like my accthent."

You watched Leo cling onto the ship with one arm and sheath his odachi with the other. He then hopped up, his arms now folded over the starboard's floor.

"Don't you look tropical?" Leo smirked.

You blushed, looking down at your outfit. It was a beautiful floral bra-top with a long, matching skirt that raised to the middle of your waist.

"It's just for the vacation," You mumbled, averting your gaze for a moment.

"Why didn't you invite me?" Leo then said, his lip in a dramatic pout once you looked back at him.

You frowned, "Because you're a mutant turtle and you'd be caught---Leo!"

Leo was making his best (or maybe his worst) puppy eyes that he possibly could for you. You pursed your lips, already feeling the guilt. He was your boyfriend, after all. And yeah, he was clumsy and didn't usually plan things out, but damn it! How could you refuse those pathetic eyes?!

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now