🖤🧡 | snuggle and stargaze

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anti-hero mikey x reader

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anti-hero mikey x reader


It was impossible to see any form of constellation in the New York City skies. The industry smog and elucidating light pollution confiscated the stars selfishly, resulting in New York's night sky appearing blank and lifeless. But Mikey had always wanted to see those stars.

When he was little, Mikey had often seen pictures showing the sky with a grand spectacle of stars in picture books and skyscraper advertisements. He'd dream about looking at those droplets of light in the sky, and hoped that one day he'd be able to take himself and his brothers to go see them. If little Mikey knew that he'd finally get to see the stars when he was older, he'd be ecstatic, and if he knew he'd also be sharing the experience with his future partner? Oh, he'd...

He'd be just as happy as he was in the present moment.

You were cruising with Mikey in your car, gradually making your way to rural New York. He could barely hold still; his knees were bouncing, his hands were tweaking, and he couldn't help biting his lip and the inside of his cheek. Mikey was sitting blindfolded in the passenger's seat to preserve his surprise for when he saw the rural sky. He tried to remain patient for you, but his hard-beating heart made him so jittery for visuals.

"Are we almost there, sweetheart?" Mikey asked, a subtle whine in his tone.

You softly chuckled. "Yes, baby, just a few more minutes."

A long, pained sigh fell from Mikey's lips. With every passing second, he was growing more and more restless. He started fiddling his fingers together upon his lap.

"I feel all jumbled inside," Mikey calmly stated.

"I know, I'm so sorry! I'm just trying to find the perfect spot where we can lay down and enjoy the sky alone," You explained.

Mikey's brows popped up with excitement. "Lay down? We're gonna lay down outside?"

"Yeah," You smiled. "We're not going to sit in my car to see 'em, that wouldn't be fun."

Mikey squealed in delight and clapped his hands briefly, then said, "Oh! Oh! Oh wow, oh my god! We can snuggle and stargaze!"

"Yeah, that's perfect!!" You laughed. "Alright, I think I found a good, flat spot."

From there, you turned off your car and stuffed the key in your bag. You circled around the vehicle and popped open the passenger door, where Mikey sat in silence. He turned his body at once and let his legs swing out the door eagerly. He subtly bounced up and down, then suddenly seized up once you took his hands.

"Ah!" Mikey moaned, then melted into the seat with a smile. "I love when you hold my hands..."

You blushed a bit and pulled on him. "I love holding your hands too, hon. You wanna hop out?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Mikey yipped, then happily jumped out of the car.

He was still blindfolded, so you had to keep holding one of his hands as you got a rolled up blanket from the dashboard. At last, you closed the passenger door and guided Mikey forward. The blanket was laid down flat upon the hill, offering a lovely support for your back and Mikey's shell. Out of habit, Mikey immediately snuggled into your arm when you both were laying close. You kissed his forehead, and he squeaked in response.

"You ready, babe?" You asked him.

Mikey shivered from pure excitement at your words. "Mhm."

Just then, you pulled the blindfold from his face. Mikey froze.

Time stood still at Mikey's wide eyes drank in the sight of the true night sky. No fog, no clouds, no light pollution. Mikey could clearly discern a few constellations, and there were even more stars than he could ever imagine surrounding them. The starscape was not only filled with infinitesimal speckles of light, but a radiant band of bright orange, blue, and purple shooting diagonally across the sky.

"It's the Milky Way..." Mikey said in a quiet voice.

You rested your head on Mikey's shoulder with a smile. He was too in awe to respond to your touch in his usual excitable manner. His eyes scanned across the sky, his lips slightly open. The vision of the universe had taken his breath away.

"Do you like it?" You asked.

"I..." Mikey swallowed. "It's even better than the pictures."

His tone made your heart feel as if it grew two sizes. Your placed your hand on his chest, looking up at the stars with him. He breathed in deeply. At this moment, Mikey was fully in tune with the hum of the universe. He felt all forms of anxiety and mania melt from his body into the soil he laid upon.

You interrupted his trance. "I know it'd be even clearer if we were out in the ocean, but I couldn't reserve a boat in time."

Mikey finally took his eyes off the sky and looked toward you. Just then, he turned onto his side and hugged your body tightly.

"O-Oh, sweet darling, this is perfect..." Mikey sighed. "Baby, I love you so much. You're gonna make me cry."

"You can cry, I don't mind," You said with a chuckle.

Loving your unconditional acceptance, Mikey pressed a kiss to your jaw. Still, he forbid any tears from falling. His hand tucked underneath your torso, basically locking you into his grasp. He kissed you again before looking back up at the stars, his head rested against yours affectionately. You'd never know how much this mystically painted sky meant to him.

"Um...do you know where any constellations are?" You asked in a careful whisper.

Mikey smiled in a way you'd never seen before. It was calm, steady, and controlled. Mikey reached a state of zen with his mind.

"Yeah. Is it okay if I show you, like...a lot? A lot-a lot?" He asked with an unsure yet obviously excited smile.

"Well, we do have all night," You reminded.

You smooched his temple, and his smile doubled as thick blush settled within his face.

For the rest of the night, Mikey pointed out the constellations to you and explained the stories behind them. You both found Venus, Jupiter, and Mars in the sky. Your arms, often pointing to the celestial bodies in the sky, would always return home around each other's bodies. And, at last, the little broken boy inside of Mikey, whom had always dreamed of seeing the universe in the sky, had began to heal.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now