💙🐢 | green out

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leo x marijuana user reader

disclaimer : drug usage


It was more for stress and anxiety rather than a simple high.

Smoking marijuana was a weekly thing for you. You'd buy it through your close friends, roll it or eat it, then away your tension went. You had never had such an effective stress reliever in your life, and it helped so much with the painful shyness and introversion that you endured since childhood. Your smoking habit had been escalating, though, ever since you realized your feelings with someone you were close with were intensifying; your yokai friend, Leo.

And that was horrifying.

You had never had such a passionate crush before. It hurt your heart to simply be in the room with the guy, let alone when he flirted with you. That was kind of the irony. Leo knew how shy you were and loved to see you flustered, but he had no idea that he was actually making you have feelings. Now, Leo had grown deeply regretful of his flirtatiousness; now you couldn't even talk to him.

Well . . . if you weren't going to talk to him, Leo might as well try to talk to you about that.

Leo was taking his usual rooftop route to your apartment, browbones furrowed in thought. He wasn't exactly prepared with words, but he figured that he'd sell it some way or another. He landed upon your fire escape, biting his lip while peeking inside your window. Peeking in, he quickly noticed you laying upon your couch. Your head was tilted toward the ceiling with calm, closed eyes. It was actually the most peace he'd ever seen from you, considering hoe you were constantly tense around people. Leo opened your window quietly and shut it back, hoping you wouldn't notice him. Then, he whipped around toward you, his nose crinkled. It smelled like a weird grass in here.

After fixing his face and taking a breath for confidence, Leo spoke. "(Y/n)?"

Instead of jolting at the sound of his voice, you sleepily opened your eyes and looked back at him. "Hello."

Leo cocked his head, curiously surprised. You were acting pretty tranquil, a contrast from your skittish nature.

"Are...are you okay?" Leo then asked, approaching the back of the couch to get a better look at your condition.

"Very okay. How are you?" You smiled, not understanding that he was concerned, not actually greeting you.

Leo leaned his chest over the couch, staring at you with a risen browbone. Then, his curiosity disappeared once he finally noticed your eyes. They were bloodshot and tired, a little glossy. Using the context clues he had, Leo determined that you had taken something.

"You are soooo high right now," Leo chuckled.

You also started "laughing" by exhaling hard through your nose with a cheesy smile. Leo hopped over the couch to take a seat next to you. As he got comfortable, he noticed you watching him with happy eyes. You didn't panic at all and seemed quite pleased with Leo's presence.

"So...since when do you smoke the devil's grass, you delinquent?" Leo playfully asked.

"Ha. Since forever, Lee," You chortled.

Leo's browbones raised in surprise. You never used nicknames; that was his job.

"Huh. And why is that, (n/n)?" Leo smirked.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now