💚🏒 | what a crush feels like

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casey x reader

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casey x reader


There were a lot of things Casey Jones needed to learn about the present.

First, he was finally allowed to be a teenager. No struggling to escape death every day, no seeing his loved ones viciously die, no eating rats. Second, he could interact with a bustling society now and go to parks and businesses. Third, he had the chance to make relationships. As in, romance; not survival buddies. The third one was nagging at Casey the most.

He'd never really had a crush before because it didn't matter. There wasn't anyone his age that was around and alive, back in the future. But now that he was in the present and could live a relatively normal life, he realized that he was started to develop unlocked feelings. You were supposed to be his friend and roommate, introduced to him by April O'Neil, but now Casey didn't like that. It felt underwhelming for you to be labeled as his roommate friend. It didn't feel right.

These humiliating thoughts kept him up at night; it was two AM, now. Casey as leaned again your kitchen counter, a mug of "cold coffee" in his hands. He stared into the mug, frowning. What would Master Leonardo do if he had these strange, new feelings? Oh, well, he'd obviously let everyone know about the threat. Then he'd establish a plan with everyone...oh dear, but Casey only had himself right now. Ugh!

Just then, sleepy footsteps walked into the kitchen.

Casey, quickly seeing your silhouette, yelped and jumped back with his mug. "AH!"

"AH!" You screamed back, bumping back into your fridge.

Realizing it was you, Casey cringed at himself before peeping out, "Sorry."

Rubbing your nose's bridge, you exhaled, "It's okay..."

He bit his lip as you opened the fridge and looked inside. God, he was already starting to blush. You just looked so precious when you were sleepy. He felt a strong protective urge for you, once again.

"Did you drink the last of the coffee?" You flatly asked.

Casey froze. He wasn't really thinking when he poured himself a drink.

"Um...I think I did," He nervously laughed. "Do you have any more in a cellar somewhere?"

You shut the fridge door and grimaced at him for a moment, before uttering, "No."

From there, you left the kitchen and into the living room. Casey felt so stupid! Everything he did always ended up with you laughing at him or leaving him. How in the world was he supposed to tell you that you were making him feel certain things? Casey gulped down the remainder of his coffee and placed the mug in the sink. He rubbed his hands together anxiously, knowing that he had to apologize for drinking your coffee. He walked into the living room, finding you bundled up in a blanket and checking out your small rectangle device. So. Cute!

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now