❤️🐢 | return of the queen

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raph x reformed delinquent reader

disclaimer : drug/alcohol abuse/rehab mention


About a year ago, you were forced into a rehabilitation center and juvenile prison for a variety of things. Smoking, drinking, fighting, you name it; you did it.

It broke the hearts of your yokai friends.

Because of the lifestyle that you had, you barely took care of yourself. No hairstyles, constant sloppy attire, and a blunt or cigarette always in your fingers. You didn't care about your complexion or health in the slightest. You just cared about the sweet chemical releases of intoxication. And you had to do it at least three times a day, even if it meant secretly doing drugs or a cigarette inside the turtles' lair.

You were turned into the New York juvenile center by the friend you thought was the closest of the turtle yokai brothers; Raph. And saying you were pissed would be a major understatement.

It tore him up inside to betray you and turn you in, but when he caught your eyes rolling to the back of your head while high as a kite on a Xanax, he couldn't take it anymore. Raph loved you. You hadn't a clue because of your several addictions, but, oh, how madly he loved you. But again, he couldn't accept how you just threw your life away, so he carried you to a hospital and sadly never saw you again. It practically destroyed him. Raph barely ever came out of his room because of how much he cried and the terrible heartache he had.

Tonight, though, you were making your way to the manhole alone, feeling quite conflicted. On one hand, you were excited to see the brothers' reactions and to see Raph for the first time in a year, but on the other hand, you were nervous about if the brothers still had respect for you.

Only one way to find out, you thought. You climbed down the manhole, making sure to seal it back up, and traveled all the way down. Immediately, your heart started racing. You could hear the brothers' laughter from down below, though you could not identify Raph's. You knew that just meant he was away from his brothers, so you tip-toed around the lair through multiple tunnels and rooms, avoiding the one the brothers were in.

You halted as you approached his room. This was the last place you had to look, so it was guaranteed that Raph was inside. You held your breath and creaked open the door, popping your head in. Raph was turned away from the door on his bed, unaware that you were just at his doorway.

"I'll come around soon, I promise. Just lemme think for a few more minutes," Raph reassured, a hint of irritation in his voice.

The actual sound of his voice being heard again made your knees weak. All else fell quiet as you responded, "To think about what?"

Immediately, Raph snapped around at your unexpected voice. His eyes then widened. There you were, just casually standing in front of his room. And you looked so much healthier; your hair was braided, your skin had more melanin in it, your smile was brighter. Your attire was different too; usually, it was mix-matched and a fashion disaster, but today you wore a ripped black and white tee, bright jeans, and a cropped jacket for some spice.

"...(y/n)?" Raph asked under his breath.

"I'm back in black," You stated with your arms cheekily outstretched.

As you stepped inside his room and shut the door back, Raph rose from his bed. He cautiously approached you in disbelief, as if you weren't actually you.

"Wha---How did---Are you---How long---" Raph stammered out, and you interrupted with a laugh.

You chortled, "I got out like a month ago, I've just been getting my own apartment set up. You good?"

He blinked. "You aren't mad at me?"

You scoffed and shook your head. "Why on Earth would I be mad at you for saving my life?"

He hesitated. Then, his face felt warmer and he averted his eyes humbly. He did technically save your life. It felt only natural for him to do so, though. If Raph had lost you, he probably would have lost himself too. Raph looked back at you with a relieved and soft smile, allowing your face to glow as red as his.

You stared lovingly for a moment, then lidded your eyes bluntly. "M'Okay, lift me up. I wanna kiss you."

At that extraordinarily spontaneous demand, Raph's brow raised above wide eyes. "What."

"C'mooon, just a lil kiss," You beckoned, now standing in front of Raph's plastron and looking up at him.

It was clear he was flustered as he exclaimed in disbelief, "You just got back from juve and rehab and this is the first thing you ask for?!"

You grinned widely, correcting him with, "The first thing I ask for from you."

Raph looked down at you uncertainly. Of course he was nervous, his lovesickness from missing you made his crush on you even worse! So many doubts flooded his head; what if he missed? What if you didn't like it? Oh god, what if this was a cruel joke or test?

"Raaaph," You singsang, and his attention was brought back down to your beautiful face.

Well, damn it, how could he refuse? Attempting to suppress his nerves mentally, Raph bent down and scooped you up by your thighs. You rested your hands upon his shoulders, staring into those stunning, unsure eyes of his. You smiled reassuringly before finally contacting your lips with his own. The kiss spread so many messages; how he missed you, how he loved you, how he wanted this. It was slow and sweet, fulfilling every single second that you two had apart long ago. You pulled away with a soft gasp for air, and he gazed back at you with the same lidded eyes you had.

"God, I needed that," You sighed lovingly, your hand sliding down his neck to his plastron.

A shiver scattered inside his shell at that touch. "(Y/n), I've missed you so much..."

You smiled gently. "I've missed you too. And that might be the best welcome back gift I've ever gotten."

You both burst into bashful laughter for a spell, but your giggling was suddenly cut off by an unexpected second kiss. You accepted it right away, though, and threw your arms around his neck happily. Suddenly, the door swung open.

"Raph, you comin---"

You pried your lips away from the red turtle's and bent backward, hanging upside down from his arms to view whoever was at the door. Leo was at the door, and was startled to see what seemed to be a stranger kissing his brother. But he recognized your face immediately and lit up.

"Heyy---actually, you know what? It's been a long time since you two have been together, whatever. Just come out once you're done making out," Leo blatantly said before shutting the door again.

You pulled yourself up to meet Raph's equally reddened face again. "What, we're not gonna make out?"

Raph rolled his eyes with a knowing smirk, listening to your wonderful laughter with a sense of completion. You could be annoying, sure, but he was overjoyed to have you back in his life---and to have you in his life as more of a friend, as well.

𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑚𝑛𝑡/𝑏𝑎𝑦𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠 | classicsWhere stories live. Discover now