The Campfire Song (Ricky, Nini)

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requested by: red5050

A/N: this was actually my camp song and it was so lovely. We sang it on the last night and said goodbye to everyone.

It was the last night at Camp Shallow Lake for the old campers and the new East High Leopards. Everyone was sad to leave since they had so much fun these past three weeks except for two people: Ricky and Nini.

Ricky didn't want to leave because he had fun in the music cabin exploring new sounds and he even had sometime to think about his breakup with Nini. He didn't want to leave because he didn't like change and going back to East High meant revisiting the past. He didn't like that idea at all.

On the other hand Nini or or Nina didn't want to leave camp because she was working on a new song for her music account. The wifi signals were bad at camp but she still had her song book with her. She told herself that once she finished the song she would send it to Jamie, Gina's brother and producer friend. So far, she only has the chorus and the verse and doesn't want to leave camp without a finished song.

This particular night was a camp tradition, bonfire night and camp open mic night. A night to share all the creative sounds and visions you created the past few weeks. This particular tradition happened on the last night of every camp session and was tough to get through because campers would cry instead of laugh and sing. It was a night to remember all the good memories you had made.

"Nini why don't you go first? I can set up the s'mores station," Miss Jenn exclaimed excitedly as the campers and counselors sat around the bonfire.

"It's Nina, Miss Jenn and I'm not ready. Why don't you ask Ricky if he's ready?" Nina says as she glares at the curly haired boy.

She's obviously distracted and still has writer's block to finish her song. Her best friend, Kourtney thought while sitting next to her.

"Ricky, are you ready?" Miss Jenn asked putting the curly haired boy on the spot.

"Ummm if it's okay with you Miss Jenn can I play my guitar? Like not the music room guitar but my own guitar I bought with me?" Ricky said hopefully towards his drama teacher.

"Sure, it's open mic night. You can incorporate any instruments you want," Miss Jenn said clapping her hands.

Ricky smiled happily and started to tune his guitar while everyone just watched him in awe. Everyone except for Nini. She was jealous and upset. She wanted to be the one to open for open mic night. But of course, her ex, Ricky already had something prepared and it better not be a rewrite of her own original music.

"It's not perfect but I love it so I hope you all do to," Ricky said purposely closing his eyes so he couldn't see Nini's reaction.

"Stars in the sky, stars in the sky...." Ricky started to sing and tap his foot on the ground.

His voice was so beautiful and angelic everyone started to sing along and clap to the beat. everyone except for Nini.

"Don't waste a moment 'cause you'll never see it return, stars in our sky..." Ricky finished his song and opened his eyes to see everyone clapping for him.

Everyone except for Nini. Nini ran off half way through the song and Kourtney tried to stop her best friend but it was no luck.

"That was lovely Ricky thank you for that," Miss Jenn said and started to get emotional.

"Hey where's Nini?" Gina got up off the log she was sitting on and looked around for her friend.

Everyone else looked around except for Kourtney. Kourtney knew that her best friend was uncomfortable listening to Ricky's song. It was obviously about Nini and his camp experience he wish he had with her.

"She's in our cabin," Kourtney quietly stated as Miss Jenn started to bring out the s'mores.

"I'll go check on her," Ricky offered and took his guitar with him.

Kourtney and Big Red wanted to tell him that Nini didn't want to see him but they didn't stop him.

"Nini? Can I come in?" Ricky knocked on the door of her and Kourtney's cabin.

Everything looked super clean and packed up. There were makeup bags on Kourtney's side of the cabin and packed duffel bags and stacks of paper from songwriting on Nini's side.

"It's Nina and yeah I guess so," Nini replied making space on her bed that was made. It had a quilt that was previously on there. Each camper got one specially hand made to take back home with them. Nini was currently under the covers of the quilt.

"Why did you run away during my song?" Ricky stands by the door of the cabin giving them a good 12 feet apart.

"It's about me isn't it? I'm the star?" Nini looked up at him this time.

"Well technically I was talking about stars that are actually in the star but yeah you are one of the stars I was talking about," Ricky stood by the door not looking at her facial expression.

"If I'm one of those stars then why did you delete that comment I got from the Rose song I got on my music account?!" Nini almost yelled at him and stared at him about to cry into the quilt.

"Because I was selfish and dumb and stupid. I didn't want you to go away again and forget about me like when you went to YAC. I was scared of change again and I regret doing it now," Ricky said finally walking up to the bed she was sitting on.

Nini didn't say anything after his statement she just closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I miss you Ricky," Nini started to softly cry into the quilt.

"But what you did wasn't right and it hurt me a lot. That was my dream you almost took away. That producer wanted to hear me sing. He believed in me," Nini sniffled as Ricky sat on the bed distancing himself from her.

"I know and I'm sorry. I regret everything I've done to our relationship and I know some stupid camp song won't fix us. I just really enjoyed my time here at Camp Shallow Lake and that song I sang really was my favorite one I've written. This time at camp really helped me reflect on who I want to be and what I want to do in the future. I am trying my best to be a better man," Ricky stated as he gently wiped one of her tears away and she let him.

"I know and it will take me a lot of time to forgive you. I've been struggling a lot this summer too. Can you do me one last favor Ricky?" Nini looked at him with glossy eyes.

"Anything for you Nini," Ricky said happily.

"Can you sing that Camp Rock 2 song we used to sing in my bedroom when we had sleepovers? I miss hearing it. I just one to hear it one last time," Nini asked quietly.

Ricky smiled brightly and got his guitar out from its case.

"So let's sing na, na na na, hey ya
C'mon and sing na, na na na, hey ya"

"This is our song

That's all that matters 'cause

We all belong right here together

There's nothin' better
Than singing along
This is our summer
This is our song"

"Have a good rest of the summer Nini. I hope that your dreams do come true one day," Ricky put his guitar back in its case and left the love of his life in her cabin alone to cry.

Nini wanted to forgive Ricky so bad but she wasn't ready to. She just wanted to hear his voice one last time that summer.

A/N: I know this isn't Rini fluff but its what I came up with. I hope you still enjoyed it.

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