My Place in This World (Nini, Jet)

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A/N: inspired by my favorite scene from A Week Away. This is a shorter imagine I had to do this pairing because everyone has a significant other besides Ricky. And Nini fits as Avery. This is also Adrian Lyles character: the mysterious new kid. He is 17 so I guess Nini is 17 too. Its a sad imagine I can relate to. Please go along with it for the sake of the story bcs I put my time into writing this. I'm still a rini Stan tho sorry not sorry
Cast hsmtmts characters as "a week away" characters in the comments if you've seen it. I know it's religious but just cast them.


Jet's POV:

"I spent so long, lying came so naturally" I sing quietly to myself while sitting on a log playing my guitar.

My guitar is the only thing I have left that I can physically hold to remember my family.

My parents died in a car crash when I was 8. I've been in and out of foster homes and centers for orphan boys but nothing really fits for me. So my last resort was to run away but child protective services found me and my record looks pretty bad for a minor. Now I made a deal with my officer to be at this sleep away camp.

I didn't realize it was a music camp but everyone here seems annoying and cliquey so I just find my own space to make music and be alone. That's why I'm in the middle of a forest playing guitar by myself.

"That's beautiful," I hear a feminine voice and stand up from the log I was sitting on.

"Oh," I look up and see one of the l girls I met this week, Nini walk up to me wearing a sundress.

"Oh I was just walking," I hear Nini mumble but I'm too busy staring at her beautiful dress.

"I didn't mean to-" I listen to Nini talk as I walk over to her with my guitar.

Wow. The sunlight makes her hair really glow and sparkle.

"No, it's um cool I'd thought I would come here and watch the sunrise. Big Red isn't really a morning person but I am," I shrug my shoulders and mention my weird cabinmate who I've yet to make friends with.

I listen to Nini giggle as she steps closer to me.

Her smile is even more beautiful then her glowing hair.

Ok, so maybe her voice isn't that annoying.

"So, yeah," I hear her giggle and watch her look down at the ground smiling.

"So, uh is that something that you wrote? For final jam," I listen to Nini as she looks up at me standing inches away from me.

"Just a little something I've been working on," I say to her and stare into her beautiful eyes.

"So he's mr. mystery man and he plays the guitar and sings. That is pretty impressive for someone who's never been to summer camp before," I listen to Nini talk close to me and smile again at me.

"Ah right, I'm right here writing moody sunrise songs. What's your excuse?" I ask her since she found my hiding spot.

"You know it's kind of a personal thing but if you wanted to you could come," I listen to her voice and watch Nini look down at the ground at her feet.

"Mr. mystery man never passes up a mystery outing. Let's do it," I say to her even though she looks up at me with a sad look on her face.

I listen to her lightly giggle one more time and watch her brush a piece of her hair our of her face.

She's so beautiful.


Nini's POV:

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