"You can talk to me about anything" (Ashlyn, Gina)

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A/N: this is the last story and I'm closing the rquest box. I'm working on something else :)


Gina's POV:

"Ashlyn, guess what?" I entered our cabin excitedly and sat on my bed across from where she was writing in her song book.

"What?" I looked over to my best friend as she looked up and put her pen down on her notebook.

"E.J asked me if I wanted to go on a late night date tonight after the campfire and I said yes. I think that we're hanging out in the music room or walking around the campground," I tell Ashlyn excitedly even though she's not really paying attention to me.

"Cool," I see Ashlyn smile at me then watch her go back to writing in her song book on her bed.

"In the meantime, do you want to grab a snack with me from the dining hall. I'm kind of hungry," I offer to her so that we can spend some girl time together.

I watch my best friend as she sits on her bed and continues to write in her song book quietly.

"Hmm? Oh I'm not hungry. Maybe ask E.J if he wants to go with you or Kourtney," I hear Ashlyn's quiet voice as she goes back to writing in her book.

"Ash, are you ok? You've been quiet since we got to camp two days ago and you've been writing in that song book and awful lot, even on the bus ride here," I go over to sit on her bed to see what she's writing and to see if she's okay.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone Gi. Go hang out with your boyfriend or something. Mind your own business," I hear Ashlyn snap at me coldly and watch her shut her notebook for me not to see.

Wow, Ashlyn's never snapped at me before.

"Sorry, I'll just go see what E.J's doing in his cabin," I get off her bed and head to our cabin door to go to the boys' cabins but be sure to look back and check on my best friend to see if she's okay.

Before I close the cabin door, I look over and see that Ashlyn's writing in her song book again and drinking water from her water bottle.

I guess she really didn't want to spend time withe me.

I was just trying to be a good friend.

"Woah, hey Gina slow down. Why are you running towards the boys' cabins?" I look up from and stop walking down the camp trial and see a new camper, Jet standing in the middle of the path.

"Wait, how do you know my name? I've never introduced myself to you before," I stand a few feet across from him.

"I heard your boyfriend call your name the other day. Now why are you running towards the boys' cabins? Shouldn't you be in your own since it's quiet time?" I look up at the new camper boy and give him a half smile since I just want to talk to E.J now after Ashlyn flipped me off.

"I should be asking you the same question. Why aren't you in your cabin?" I retaliate back at him trying to ignore his question.

"I'm bored and I'm going to go explore. Wanna come with me? I'd love to get to know you better," I see him reach his hand out for me to take but I'm not interested.

"Uh not really. No, thanks," I politely reply to him as I keep walking towards E.J's cabin to talk to him.

"See ya later Gina," I hear Jet call my name as I continue to walk to the boys' cabins to go find my boyfriend to talk to him about his cousin.


Ashlyn's POV:

After I lashed out at Gina and wrote one last lyric in my song book. I felt this really bad cramp in my stumach and then went to the bathroom to get some ibuprofen from my medicine bag but realized that that I wasn't feeling ill from the Camp Shallow lake food, I got my period. That's why I lashed out at my best friend/ sister.

I knew that there would be only one place at camp where she would go to talk or be alone: my cousin's cabin aka E.J's cabin and had to go there before her. So, now I'm standing in front of my cousin's cabin while nervously holding my song book and stumach that hurts so much from cramping up.

"Ash? What are you doing here outside our cabin?" I look up and see Ricky standing outside the boy's cabins holding his guitar case.

"Uh I'm here to talk to E.J, is he inside?" I smile at Ricky and try not to act weird or flip him off too.

"Yeah, he's talking to Gina who just got here a few minutes ago. He told me that he needed some alone time with her because she seemed upset when she knocked on our door. So I'm just going to the music cabin to hang out for a little while. Wanna join me?," I listen to Ricky as he offers for me to join him.

"No thanks, Ricky. have fun. I need to talk to E.J and Gina," I wave at him as he goes off down the trail to the music cabin with his cabin.

I need to apologize to Gina. She's probably crying into my cousin's shoulder because I lashed out at her.

I go over and knock on the cabin door lightly and wait for to hear E.J's voice to let me in.

"Hey Ash, I'll leave you two to talk. Don't touch any of my stuff cuz," I see him look down at me as he walks out of his cabin holding his water bottle.

"Ok," I roll my eyes at him before walking into his cabin and notice that Gina is sitting on his bed holding his Duke hoodie looking upset.

"Hey Gina, can we talk?," I sit down on my cousin's bed a few spaces away from her to give her space.

"I guess so," I look over across the bed and notice that Gina's eyes are puffy from crying.

"First off, I'm so sorry for lashing out at you and telling you to mind your own business. Second, I really didn't mean to ignore you or tell you to hang out with someone else. I guess I just got upset and emotional since you mentioned that you have a date with my cousin. You see, I've never been in a relationship before and things were going really well with Big Red and I but then when he told me that he couldn't come to camp because he had to work over the summer, I kinda just put a smile on my face and pretended that everything would be okay. But I haven't been okay, at all. I miss him everyday, even though I last saw him a week ago and it's just tough listening to you talk about your boyfriend all the time. Plus, I got my period today so that explains why I got mad at you and told you to go away from our cabin. I really am sorry Gina. I just miss Big Red a lot and you have to understand that it's been tough for me to watch you at camp with my cousin," I sit a little closer to her then spill out all of my feelings to her and ignore my cramps since sisters are always first.

I look over and see Gina lean over to my side then feel her hug me tightly.

"I'm so sorry for over reacting Ash. I didn't know that you were going through all that and I kinda understand the separation anxiety since Jamie and I have to deal with distance. You know that you can talk to me about anything, right? And periods suck. I also promise that I will stop talking about E.J so much in our cabin," I listen to Gina and hug her back since we have made up.

"It's okay. I'm sorry again for lashing out at you. And I should've told you about how I was feeling earlier. Now, if you need help picking out an outfit for your late night date with my cousin tonight, you know I'm always here for you and Kourtney can help with makeup," I smile at her and forget all about my period and Big Red for a second.

Sisters first then boyfriends.

"That sounds like a good plan. But if you ever need someone to talk to, know that I'm here for you," I listen to Gina as we lean our heads on each other's shoulders.

"I'm here for you too. Okay, wanna see something cool that I wrote?," I smile at her then place my song book between us on E.J's bed.

"Sure. I'm sure E.J won't mind if we spend some time in his cabin. He went to hang out with Ricky in the music cabin," I side hug my best friend again then show her the song that I've been working on for Big Red

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