Frozen in Time (Ricky, E.J)

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Ricky's POV:

When I heard from the Camp Shallow Lake Director say that we would be auditioning and performing the musical Frozen the whole entire camp session I freaked out. 1) because seriously another Disney musical?! 2) because I have no reason to do a musical without Nini in the picture 3) I've never seen the movie Frozen.

I know shocking. Ricky Bowen hasn't seen the most catchy and popular Disney movie that was turned into a Broadway show. But I have good reasons for why I haven't seen it.

I  still haven't seen the popular Disney movie, Frozen yet because I have been too preoccupied with the musicals and thinking about Nini. I felt clueless and out of place when everyone else was talking about their dream role. I only saw Beauty and the Beast because Nini played a fork in the show sophomore year but never really had an interest in the movie Frozen. In fact I never got a chance to watch the movie with Nini when we were together. I knew about the movie when it was popular but just wasn't into musicals back then to want to watch it.

Now it's camp audition week and I don't know anything about the movie besides the fact there's a singing snowman and two really pretty princesses in it. At least that's what Big Red told me since he saw it with Ashlyn before camp started.

So instead of preparing for auditions in the music cabin like everyone else is doing right now, I decided to run off with my guitar to my hiding spot in the woods. I just want to be alone and this is my favorite spot to clear my head.

I found a random tree stump that must have been cut down over time and decided to sit on it.

I gently took my guitar out of its case and placed the case on the ground. I didn't even know what I was going to do here but I just needed space. I can't even think about auditions when I don't know who any of the characters are. Everything is just all too much for me.

I don't know how Gina just knew who she wanted to play in the musical like it was the only thing on her mind. I can't even decide what to eat for snack. That's how bad my anxiety is.

I started to play some chords on my guitar and nothing made sense. There was no melody or harmony or just anything coming along. It sounded like a beginner was playing guitar.

I don't know why auditions for Frozen the musical are bothering me. Usually I just make up something because Nini has seen every musical or has been in a few.

Now, I'm lost in the woods. Literally and figuratively.

Well, I'm not lost because I know my way back to camp. I am just lost in my random thoughts.

I don't even know why I agreed to come to this musical summer camp with everyone in the first place.

It's not like anyone is going to come looking for me. I'll just walk back when I get hungry again.


E.J's POV:

Gina and Kourtney went to the costume room to pick out outfits for auditions for Frozen the musical and just left me here in the theater room by myself.

So much for wanting to audition with Gina for Kristoff and Anna. She said that she wanted to audition alone because she already had a dance solo ready. I support her in whatever she chooses since she's my girlfriend but I just wish she would spent more time with me than thinking about auditions.

"Hey, you okay cuz? You look like you're in a trance thinking about something or someone," I snap out of my thoughts and see my cousin walk up to me with blue hair extensions in her hand.

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