The Next Right Thing Pt. 2 to Frozen in Time (Ricky, E.J)

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Ricky's POV:

When E.J told me that there was a Frozen 2 movie I may or may have gotten too excited. 1) I would much rather watch a movie then practice the dance routine that Carlos came up with for auditions, 2) Frozen wasn't actually that bad of a musical, and 3) I get to cuddle with E.J and his blankets from his cabin.

While reason number three may be the best reason for this double movie day, I have to admit that the only cuddles I get are from my teddy bear, Franklin and I am a bit too old for that now.

E.J will probably think I'm a freaking toddler if he sees Franklin in my cabin. I'll just have to hide him or sadly give him up later at camp.

It's okay though, I now have someone else to cuddle with. Well that is if E.J and Gina break up soon.

"Before we start the movie, do you want more butter popcorn?" I look over at E.J standing by a folding table with a popcorn machine holding my popcorn bowl while I sit on the blankets he bought from his cabin.

"Yes please, that popcorn is amazing," I smile over at him.

A part of me still feels guilty for kissing him because I'm hurting my friend, Gina again. This is like the second or third time I hurt her and I know she's been through a lot with her mother away and her traveling all the time. I just couldn't help myself with my feelings at homecoming and during the musicals, and now at camp. I like E.J and Gina does too. I can't help it.

"Here you go, good thing I asked the Miss Jenn for her Disney Plus account after I told her about my movie day plan. This way we can watch multiple movies instead of just having a DVD," I look over and see E.J sit down a few inches across from me and place the popcorn bowl in the middle.

"Wait you told Miss Jenn that I haven't seen Frozen yet to get her Disney Plus password? Oh god, my life is over. Only Big Red knows that" I whisper yell at him and hide my face in my hoodie again then look away embarrassed.

"You're cute when you get embarrassed or flustered Bowen. And no I didn't tell her that. I just told her that I wanted to watch the movie so I could study the Kristoff scenes and she gave in because I don't know maybe she really does want me to be Kristoff in the musical or maybe I just impressed her with my Gaston charm during the last musical," I feel E.J gently tug at my hoodie and pull me towards him than unzip my hood.

Oh god, my face is probably bright red again, I need to take this hoodie off so I pull out the bottom of it and of course the hood gets stuck.


Ugh, I seriously need to get new clothes because I have like no money or interest in giving these hoodies away.

"Need a little help there?" I look over through the top of my hoodie that isn't stuck and see E.J laughing at me.

"Uh yeah," I mumble through my hoodie.

I watch E.J as he gently pulls my hoodie off to reveal my plain grey t-shirt.

What? I don't have any fashion sense. I have plain tees and hoodies that's it.

"Ok, uh let's watch Frozen 2 now before I embarrass myself anymore," I mumble and look towards the projector screen then press play since the remote is in front of us.

Gosh, I'm my face is still probably red as a tomato even without my hoodie on.


E.J's POV:

Frozen 2 turns out to be worse than the first movie, and we're not even an hour in and its just so sad. So instead of watching the projector screen like Ricky is, I check my watch every couple minutes to make sure that dance rehearsals aren't over yet and glance over at Ricky.

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