Wouldn't Change a Thing (E.J, Gina)

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A/N: you're either going to love or hate this one. Sorry I got inspired by Camp Rock 2. play the song on loop while you read ;) Also, I know this is completely a fake plot but please go along with it for the sake of the story. I changed the POVs intentionally. The lyrics might not work 100%. I also worked hard on it sorry it's not perfect.


Gina's POV:

Tonight is opening night bonfire and I am excited because I came up with a new choreography for "Let it Go" and I want to show Miss Jenn that I can be Elsa and a little hip hop too. I'm also excited because E.J is here to watch me perform. Like not in a musical but to see me dance solo an I also miss spending time with him since he's been working on a summer internship but he's here at camp for the first session and that's why I'm excited.

"Gina, are you ready to do your solo? I have the music set up and Big Red is going to do the lighting?" I look over and see Miss Jenn with a clipboard of all the names performing at opening night bonfire.

I think Ricky, Nini, Ashlyn and Seb are but I don't know who else is because we didn't get to watch each other rehearse.

"I'm ready as ever!" I smile at her and stretch my arms while she introduces me to the campers and counselors.

"Welcome to Camp Shallow Lake everyone! Thank you Mr. Sanders for letting me MC at opening night bonfire. Our first performer, is East High's very own, Gina Porter performing a hip hop rendition to "Let it Go", I listen as Miss Jenn introduces me and I hear the crowd roar from the bonfire.

We actually have a bonfire and a real stage here it is so epic.

I've never been to summer camp before but its like my dream and it hasn't even been a full week. I am so excited to spend time with E.J and do all the camp activities.

I dance my heart out and feel the rhythm of the beat to the remix of the song flow through my palms and feet.

I'm in my happy place and I don't want to leave the stage but I have to.

After the performance, I go back stage to change into comfier clothes and take my makeup off, then sit on a one of the logs next to E.J.

"I'm so proud of you," I hear him whisper as I lean over to squeeze his hand.

We've only been dating for a little under 3 months but we've been keeping it strong ever since I learned that he isn't going to Duke.

I am not sure what his plan is but I'm proud of him.

After the bonfire, Miss Jenn congratulates all the performers and tells us that "the first week is like an audition or casting call week" so be prepared for anything.

I never get nervous but this time I get butterflies in my stumach because I actually want the part as Elsa, like no not like the time I wanted to play Gabriela but I really want this part.

After Miss Jenn's speech, I go over to the bonfire where E.J is waiting and hold his hand by the fire since it's just the two of us.

"Hey, so I need to say something important and I don't want you to get mad," I listen to E.J as he lets go of my hand.

Oh no, is he breaking up with me?

"Oh, are you breaking up with me?" I distance myself from him and the fire.

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