Birthday Boy (Ricky, Nini, Val)

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Second request for red5050

Ricky's birthday was always the second week of June. He always celebrated with Nini and in the afternoon he would got o the skate park with Big Red. But this year was different. This summer Miss Jenn forced or required everyone to go to this musical theater sleep away camp and be counselors. The East High Leopards were helping kids put on a show of Frozen the musical. It was "Supposed to help Us become better leaders and more responsible" according to Miss Jenn.

Ricky was miserable this summer. He didn't have Nini and Big Red was too focused on Ashlyn to care. He thought that everyone forgot his birthday. He was even a counselor this year thanks to Miss Jenn's reccomendation and the kids hated him. That was until one morning his bunk mate, E.J Caswell woke him up.

"Wake up Rickster! You're 18. You finally have bragging rights to bug me. Happy birthday skater dude. I'll always be the Troy Bolton East High wanted," E.J joked and had a cake ready to smash into his bunkmate's face.

"What the hell dude!" Ricky said waking up and taking a bite of the cake E.J smashed on his face.

"Happy birthday!"  E.J smiled at ate a bite of the cake that was still on the plate that he was holding.

"Thanks," Ricky rolled his eyes and got up to hug E.J but E.J ran away quickly.

"Go shower dude you smell like birthday cake," E.J snickered as I got back to the cabin to grab some clothes.

"Yeah thanks to you," I try to get some cake and try to run it his hair and miss.

After a very quick, shower I get dressed in my Camp Shallow Lake t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts then head out to my station to meet the kids I'd be teaching today.

"Hey Icky!" One of the sassy ten year old girls said excitedly".

"Hey Dee," Ricky said tired of the nickname already.

"What's wrong? You look sad," Dee said sitting next to him on a picnic table outside while the other kids arrived.

"Nothing much. Just tired. Kind of miss my parents. It's my Birthday today," Ricky sighs as he fixes his hat.

"Happy Birthday Ricky," Dee finally gets his name right then goes to talk to her other ten year old friends.

Well at least one of his campers remembered.

"Hey Ricky, are you ready for giant twister tonight? I am definetly not ready to embarass myself in front of Ashlyn. I am not flexible at all," Big Red came over to Ricky even though he was supposed to be watching campers.

"Yeah sure whatever," Ricky mumbled

Great. His best friend forgot that it was his birthday.

After Ricky took his campers, to their first session Rhythm and Soul with Mr. Dan. Ricky went to the camp lounge to relax since he had a break hour.

Counselours had team activities they were required to attend but they were just stupid things Miss Jenn made them do. Gina and E.J were often missing during those team building activities and Ricky could care less about this counselor job. Someone said it looked good on his resume though.

"Hey Ricky, you coming team building?" Ashlyn said as she peeped into the lounge wearing yoga pants and running shoes.

I guess today's activity was yoga. And Ashlyn forgot Ricky's birthday too.

"I'll be there in a minute," Ricky replied nodding his head.

"Ok, don't be late," Ashlyn pops out of the room.

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