She's all I Wanna Be (Big Red, Ashlyn)

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A/N: so I don't really understand nor have I ever played this game so i hope I did justice. I hope I wrote redlyn fluff. It's mostly got american camp references since that's all I know. I know Ashlyn isn't afraid of much but here it goes. I was also slightly inspired by the first verse of Tate McRae's song "she's all I wanna be".  I know it's long.

The East High Leopards didn't know what to expect when Miss Jenn told them that they were going to Camp Shallow Lake for the summer to do some "Musical Leadership and Enrichment" Whatever that meant.

Big Red was hesitant about it at first since he had sleep apnea and had never been away from home before, besides going to his grandparents place. Ricky thought that it was a good idea since he needed a fresh start since his break up with Nini. Kourtney was hesitant about it because Miss Jenn told her she couldn't bring her makeup bags. Nini was too busy worrying about her music with Gina's brother, Jamie, to worry about a "stupid summer camp". Seb and Carlos were going on Vacation to Carlos' summer house. E.J was doing a tour at Duke's campus but he promised Gina he would join her at camp the second week. Gina was excited and nervous for a new adventure and Ashlyn was scared. She was scared that Big Red would find out her biggest fear. Her fear of the dark.

"Ok, everyone Val will explain to you the camp rules and this session's theme. We will also be putting on a production of Frozen. Good luck and break a leg!" Miss Jenn yelled at the group of high schoolers who just got off the school bus and stepped into the woods.

"Hey guys, aren't we missing someone?" A skinny blonde haired girl named Val shouted at the group.

"Umm E.J will be here next week. He's touring his dream college campus," Gina spoke up as as she grabbed her duffel bag from the bus.

"Okay, sounds good. So camp rules are simple. No skinny dipping. No staying up past curfew except for Italy game night. No sex. No fights. No electronics. Only music. Ok, got it? Anyways, this session's theme is "Around the World," The tall blonde girl named Val, rattled on and on to the group of kids.

Meanwhile Big Red was staring at Val during all of this. He thought that he could get Ricky a new girlfriend by the end of the summer since he was always talking about Nini and following him and Ashlyn around. She had a nice smile and looked like she was from a movie. Val was perfect for Ricky. Although he didn't know anything about her.

Ashlyn understood everything Val had said loud and clear. She noticed Big Red talking to Ricky and staring at Val. She felt nervous. She didn't know what this night entailed but she was about to find out.

"Ok, so week 1 is Italy week. I promise it's going to be a fun session. We're going to play a lot of Italian games and make some crafts. Oh and best of all the chef makes Italian food," Val started ranting off as the girls followed her to their cabin.

"What about next week?" Gina asked Val since she wanted E.J to participate in on the fun too.

Ashlyn slowly treaded behind Nini biting her lip while Val explained what Week Two would be to her.

"You okay, Ash?" Nini asked Ashlyn while Val lead the way.

"Yeah just peachy," Ashlyn mumbled even though Gina was talking to Val about college.

"Ok girls, here's your cabin. We're having pizza tonight. Get some sleep because tomorrow is the first Italy day and we are making our own pizzas," Val said as she left them in their cabin.

"I call dibs on the bed closest to the bathroom. You know how long it takes me to do my hair and makeup," Kourtney called.

"Kourt, you don't need hair and makeup. It's summer camp," Gina tried to persuade her friend and laughed.

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